Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Emergency at Oroville Dam

We have been on Lake Oroville on several occasions, we have friends that have a house boat on the lake. It is a great lake behind the country's tallest dam. We were there about 8 years ago during the Paradise fire, an area above the lake, dense with trees. The lake basin filled with smoke, helicopters and fire planes scooping water from the lake and dumping it on the fire. Good pilots.
   We live on the river about 100 miles south of Oroville, I'm not sure how it may affect us if the dam does fail. I have visions of when the Grand Teton dam failed on June 5, 1976, a wall of water followed natural channels 11 people perished as well as 13,000 cattle. Click here.
   The reasons for that dam failure are well documented and studied, too much information for a blog. There is some preparations we who live near any potentially hazard conditions can do.

1) Develop an evacuation plan, get the dog out or drive the car to the top of the levee talk about who will do what. It's important.
Emergency Spillway

2) Have an evacuation pack ready, at least one, two is best. One for long term evacuations and one in the event you have to hike out.

3) Assign who does what, talk about it and practice it. I learned during my time in the Navy on the flight deck of the USS Ranger, when a person is trained properly during emergency's they naturally fall back on the training.

4) Don't panic, take a few seconds to think about what is happening, your mind will clear, you will be much more on top of the situation.

5) Have a family contact number, someone long distance, the local lines will be clogged up. Leave messages there, and stay in touch with the number.

6) Some people keep another pack with personal items in it, for instance mine has my laptop, camera and notes I make from my studies. Think of things you may go back for, photo's, records maybe passports. Anything that will temp you to return should be in this bag. Include cash money.

7) Have survival supplies in the trunk of the vehicle you would use to evacuate, jumper cables, solar charger for phones, water, food and methods to stay warm.

8) Place important papers and other items in a fireproof safe, eliminate the worry of losing important documents.
Corrupted Spillway at Lake Oroville

   Give it some thought and be ready for the unexpected to occur. "Prepare for the worse, and hope for the best." Leave a comment about how you prepare and what you have in your survival packs.

Thanks for reading: jimandkate

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