Friday, February 24, 2017

Diseases spread by mosquitoes, 5 anti bite tips and one bird

There are some word's I have a hard time with, this is one of them. Mosquito, I was doing some searching on the internet pertaining to bug repellent. I was amazed at the number of times I saw it spelled Mosquitoe's, with an "E" at the end. That's how I spell it when I'm in auto pilot, it's the same with potato, tomato and other "toe" words.
There's one of them now!
    On the slough about 1/4 mile from us is a grass island, we at one time called it "bird" island. Now we call it "grass" island, the red wing blackbirds have gone. The birds were decimated, no, eliminated by the "west nile virus", carried by Mosquito's. We have a lot of them here as do most other places in the world. The disease can be suffered by humans as well, there are some things we can do to stay relatively "unbit".
    1) Live in a windy area, Our house is situated in a place of wind, I would guess 7 months of the year are windy, with no let up. I like the wind, it keeps the Mosquito's away. One way to protect ourselves is to stay in the wind. There's other actions we can take.
    2)  Use repellent, I don't know which is best and which isn't but most of the repellent I've used has worked. I don't like the smell or how it feels on my skin, but, that's life.
    3)  Don't walk through wet grass in the early morning, dusk or in the shade, that's where they hang out. Try not to disturb them, it will reduce their numbers if we don't stir that pot.
    4)  Look for standing water and dump it out, flower pots, old tires anything that can hold water. There are huge fields of water right now and vector control is patrolling the island we live on. If you have a problem spot that is bigger than your abilities, call your counties vector control, they will come and take care of it.
    5) There are all kinds of products available, bug zappers, smoke deterrents, plug in things and other's are being invented all the time. The last defense is just stay in the house, that's the idea I like the least.
Red-wing Blackbirds are very pretty birds, they are on
the rebound here, albeit not real rapidly.
    The Red Wing Blackbirds are making a come back, it is slow, I hope they get established again. They are extremely noisy, we could easily hear them from this far away. I didn't see any dead birds anywhere, although there's a lot of open space here making it tough to find them. There isn't a lot we can do to eliminate the pest (Mosquito's not the birds), we have more luck keeping them from attacking us. Bug repellent, long sleeves or stay in the house, summer and the mosquito's will be here sooner than we expect.
    Stay safe and prepare for the bug invasion, when summer's over the bugs will decline, then the rain begins again. The circle of life continues to go round and round.

Thanks for reading jimandkate

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