Thursday, February 9, 2017

Crows, Owls and Squirrels on a rainy day, Emergency Kits Plus

I have a big pecan tree out my window facing North. There are 2 squirrel nests and an owl nesting box in it. I find it amazing they ignore each other and just go about their daily activities. Of course the Owl is pretty inactive during the day, She being a creature of habit, or instinct. Every night between 8:00 and 8:30, she flies past our sliding glass door which faces West. Every time it is a surprise, hey there goes an Owl! The Squirrels spend a good part of their day chasing each other and repairing the nests. I wonder how they stay dry in there, it looks like a basic survival shelter, barely held together. Those nests have been in that tree for several years, I'm sure they have been completely rebuilt over time. The Owl will sometimes spend all day under the eave of the house, watching.
A mob of crows occupies the tree most of the spring, until early summer, then return when the pecans are ready. Interesting birds they are, I was watching them one day when a peculiar thing happened. The tree is on the North side of my house, about 50 feet away. I was sitting on my porch facing West, just watching all the activities taking place on, in and around the river that flows by. Actually it's a slough. It flows and has a good current. I saw a crow fly by with a pecan in it's beak. It flew West about a half mile. There are Power lines running North to South, all the way from the Hydro projects on the Columbia river hundreds of miles North they continue down the I-5 corridor to Los Angelos. The crow turned due South after passing the tower's, flying on a mission. At the same time it turned. It was a sharp 90 degree turn South. Another crow flew past me, again with a pecan in it's beak. This bird repeated the exact path the first one took, then amazingly a third, then a fourth they just kept going. I stopped counting so many flew past, perfectly spaced. It was a deliberate plan, or strategy. I did not see them return. It does seem to me that most of the time they make a huge sweeping circle, returning from the East to the tree. The following crow did not take off until the lead Crow turned South, deliberate and sure. I wonder if that show's subjective reasoning, do they know there actions impact their future? Maybe it's just instinct, but it appears to be much more than that. Planning, communication and reasoning. Does it all work into that? I don't know, but it sure makes a guy wonder. We can learn a lot of survival skills by watching the animals among us, I think we should all have an emergency food supply.

Any idea's about that behavior? Comments are welcome, I'd like to hear your thoughts about any wildlife activities that may have surprised or amazed you.

Thanks for reading JimandKate 

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