Friday, March 10, 2017

What kind of bag do I need to put my survival kit in?

There are many kind of bags available for sale, they are available almost every where a person goes. A carrying device really needs to be fitted for the person who is responsible for it.
     Children: Depending on the size and age of the child the bag should be easy to carry and relatively light. A backpack seems to be the best option, In the event of an emergency a backpack set up near an exit may be the easiest for a small person. The child can place a few items in the kit, whether it be food, clothes or a jacket. Toss a hat in it as well.
I need a bigger bag mom. 
     Families: Depending on how many members are in your family will depend on much you will have to carry. The adults in the family will be carrying the bulk, as well as directing the response needed by them. An adult in good health will be able to have a backpack and pull a rolling bag. That will leave one hand free, a lot of equipment can be put in two bags.
     Teen's: The best thing to do is let the teens choose their own bags, they have to be comfortable with it as well as functional. Teen's will want to add some items in the bags.
     Older Adults: If you have a family member who is older(my mother in law is 93), ask him or her if they could carry a bag out. Just a bottle of water will be a contribution. It seems a rolling bag of managable size will be best. Place a jacket, socks, a hat and shoes in the bag.
     People with disabilities: It depends on the disability of course, If a person can walk with the use of two canes He or she may be able to use a backpack, but perhaps not be able to carry or pull another bag.
OK, put the handle for the wheeled bag in my hand.
The main point is not to over load any one person, we should each be responsible for most of our own gear. There are exceptions of course, the most important task is to safely get everyone out. In the event of an evacuation I am sure there have been plenty of well planned escapes, and some where emergency kits did not make it out. That doesn't mean the evacuation wasn't a success, it just means some things were overlooked, it's going to happen. A discussion and planning in advance is primary, Loading the kits re-enforces the planning, rehearsal plants it in your mind. It works and it doesn't take much time to do in advance you'll be happy you took the time.

Thanks for reading jimandkate

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