Saturday, March 25, 2017

I've been thinking about food again:


    Primarily I've been thinking about food supply and the demand for it. I'm not sure in this day and age if we think of it rationally. The reason I say that is maybe best defined with a little history combined with a little bit of modern day space age stuff. In the past, invading armies would have to scavenge for food and any other supplies they needed. They would seize entire herds to feed a huge invasion force. The armies in the days of Ghengis Khan brought nothing with them. Alexander the Great, Napolean, even up to our own Civil war, armies ravaged the farming communities. The Russian winter and lack of supply lines doomed Napolian's army.
Cold, wet and hungry
They froze and starved by the thousands. (click to read a short paper on logistics) Edmund Musk (Tesla CEO) has plans on the board to occupy Mars with 200,000 people. That will demand food, shelter and protection from whatever the elements are. The ultimate survival situation, outer space. As Napolean found out it would take thousands of wagons carrying tons of supplies hundreds of miles in the Russian winter. Mr. Musk will be sending thousands of tons, 10's of thousands (millions) of miles in a steady stream to Mars. Outside of the cost, the logistics to me are staggering. To save weight, I suspect most, if not all, of the supplies will be dehydrated. Seeds will be sent as well. But initally, for the first year or so, food will have to be sent. Water, according to NASA, is available on the surface of the far away planet. 

    Meanwhile, back on Earth, in the event of a catastrophic event we will either need to provide for ourselves or depend on assistance. Which side of the road do you want to be on? It is a FEMA reccomendation a person have enough supplies on hand to sustain us for 3 days. Where I live in the California Delta we could be stranded for several days in the event of a flood or earthquake. There are many ways to provide for ourselves. A 100 pound sack of rice and beans is one way. Another is bulk dehydrated food from the local big box market, or in my opinion, the best and easiest way is to buy a pre-packaged kit.
52 serving meals
There are many kits available, roadside kits, hurricane kits, earthquake the list goes on. At we offer a wide variety. We invite you to take a look around at the kits. Food buckets and survival accessories on our web site. We have this really cool coffee pot that uses only propane, a porta-potty setup with a tent and all sanitary supplies. We also offer tools, kits and food supply buckets with a 25 year shelf life. This is my advertising blog. I will have another in abut 10 posts or so. My hope is to raise awareness to the possibility of running out of not only utilities but sustanance as well. Thanks for reading. Please take a look at the website and comment on what you think. 

Thanks jimandkate

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