Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tribes and Survival

I read a lot of blogs and articles on what to do and how to act and where to go during and after a catastrophic event. I have been thinking about evacuation's and the actions to take after ward. A lot of the sites I have read blogs and articles in seem to be in the vein of going somewhere after the event occurs. In the event of a financial meltdown, terrorist attack, (The British have it together click here)   chemical spill or a multi-tude of other But some events are not so well defined, what if there is a terrorist attack? Depending upon the affected area, what would a person do if a powerful bomb was detonated? I am of the mind to stay put, I think I'm much better protected at home, even with no utilities. (that's where the survival kit comes in handy).
A little intense I would say. 
In the event of a wild fire, flood or general destruction of your home an evacuation would be in order. We most likely will be evacuated, depending on where you live, I live at the end of a two mile country road, dead end. There is one way in and out, I've been stranded in the house, and stranded out of the house. Both events were house fires blocking the road. Being stranded inside was much better than being stranded outside. Those incidents were self defined, that is it was a no brainer, stay in or go home.
     There is a deeper side to preparing for the unknown disasters that may or may not strike. It is very important to make sure that your personal responsibilities are met with being prepared. Make sure you have enough supplies to sustain your family first, set your selves up to be as self reliant as possible. Not everyone of your neighbors will be, not even close, they are the ones that think you are crazy for preparing. There are things that can be predicted to happen, one is the neighbors will need a drink of water. Regardless that you've been telling them for years they will need 1/2 gallon of water a day to survive, they will have a half pint plastic bottle of water and ask for more while wearing shorts and zories. The path to survival will most likely be in groups, or "tribes", and those tribes will be our neighbors, they don't know it yet, and won't until they need it. I'm not sure if organizing a "tribe" would be successful in preparation. I have visions of a neighborhood watch situation, except in a neighborhood watch there is a defined intent, keep criminals out. In a totally unpredictable situation with no goal except to "be prepared" it may be an exercise in futility. However it is worth doing, at least attempting to do it. One way I think may be effective is a communal farm, everyone grow one
It won't take much room, or time. 
item in a garden with big yields such as Zucchini, Green Beans, Squash and Cucumbers. I live in a rural area, most people have a garden, I think a communal farm is do-able. If bottled water is used, (all of us use it because of our wells), keep an extra 5 or 10 gallon container in reserve. Most people have camping equipment, assign people to lanterns, stoves and yes a coffee pot. I do believe it will work, everyone will not be passionate about it, I don't believe I'm that influential. I do however believe it will raise awareness, It can be a low key effort, merely talking to people, the people I talk to all the time. Is this a good idea? Let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading

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