Thursday, March 23, 2017

Road side breakdown

Road side breakdown
    That is an uncomfortable thought for anyone, I have broken down on every major (and a lot of minor) roads and Highway's in California. In the 70's I had just bought a new car and my wife and I decided to take our two toddlers to Disneyland. We lived in Fresno at the time, a solid 4 hour drive through
This is the way Women react to a breakdown, nice.
some tough terrain. Interstate 5 penetrates the City of Los Angelos.  We were on it when the new car broke down. The one thing in life that I am is mechanical, a blessing and a curse. The problem was the air filter was clogged, "blinded" is the word. I removed it on the side of the road, then continued on to our destination. I never suspected a new car would break down on it's maiden voyage. It's always "rush hour" there, it's unsettling in the least to be on the side of any major highway broken down. Click here for breakdown tips from England.
    We deal in emergency preparedness. It's been a base of my life for a long time. There was a time I kept a complete tool set in my trunk. I have changed "U joints" on the shoulder of the road, adjusted brakes and put out fires. Mostly I drove old trucks and SUV's so breakdowns were part of the territory I suppose. We offer roadside emergency kit's. There is a lot of stuff in it;  jumper cables, water, and a muliti-tool to name just a few of the items. It's almost all "man" stuff, and it has me thinking. I have a theory, it is the "men call it noodles, women call it pasta" syndrome. I dont know the difference. Is pizza pasta? See what I mean. 
This is how men react. 
    I wonder what a customized road side emergency kit designed around the needs of women would include. The kits we offer will get a person out of a jam and happily on the way. For a man to change a tire or jump start a car is a mechanical thing that is just part of the whole scheme of life. It is for women as well, except, we (men) most likely won't wash our hands after changing a tire. We probably don't have children with us and we are most likely in clothes that we don't really care about. If we get oil, gas or grease on us, we mostly shrug it off and put up with the smell and feel. Have you ever seen a guy in public with dried grass stuck in his hair, greasy hands, dirty clothes and destroyed shoes? He probably had a breakdown on his way to the place he was seen at. Not all men are like that but a lot of us are. Women are opposite. They are tuned into their appearance more than we are. Thank the good Lord.
With that in mind, I would like to design a roadside emergency kit for women, designed by women. Being a man, I have an idea what to include to an extent. But being a man, I have no idea what to include. Water, something to eat and a flashlight are universal but what else? I would like help with suggestions. I will at some point have a contest on our web site with the entry requirement to be 2 or 3 suggestions of what to include. In the interim we would like to hear from women with suggestions and absolutes on what has to be in one. We have a hunch we need to add quite a lot to it. We are genuinely interested in being successful with this. A flare gun? Flashing beacon? Nunchuck's? I just don't know. So any suggestions will be taken very seriously. I want to know. 
Thanks for reading. Please participate. Your input matters to us. Thank you. 

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