Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Flea season is between May and September, here's 8 tasks for us to pursue to protect our pets.

That's a valiant flea that dares eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion.
William Shakespeare

Here's William now.

Today is the second day in a row the outside temperature has reached 95 degrees F. It's a little early for this part of California, by a week or two. The landscape is drying rapidly as it usually does after the rains stop. Of course, wildfires are expected, and just as predictable fleas emerge. 95 degrees (35 C) is the warmest an adult flea is able to endure. They cannot survive outdoors if that temperature is exceeded for longer than 40 hours in a month. Although flea larva will live long enough to form cocoons and complete the molting, all of them will die in the cocoon.
Adult fleas cannot survive in temperatures below freezing, 32 degrees Fahrenheit. At that temperature, they die within 24 hours. 20% of emerged adults and 72% of pre-emerged adults expire from the cold. They are able to live up to ten days at 37 degrees F. survival rates improve when the temperature exceeds 47 degrees F. the survival of adults will then stay alive for 20 days. Flea eggs require 50 degrees F. to be able to hatch within 12 days, but the first larvae die 10 days later.
Fleas do flourish in warm temperatures, but not too warm. 70-80 degrees F. is the optimum range, spring and summer is the best time for them. In the Northern climates, May through September is the flea season. In the Southern States, the fleas are active all year long, there is no relief. Humidity is a matter of life and death for the small pests, it is needed for the eggs to hatch and to complete their life cycle.
The life cycle of a Flea.

There are over 250 species of fleas in North America, only a few use humans as hosts. Among the human pest are: the Cat Flea, (Ctenopsyllus segnis), Dog Flea, (C. canis) a human flea ( Pulex irritans) the Oriental Rat Flea (Xenopsylla cheopis)  Rabbit Flea (Cediopsylla symplex), Mouse Flea (Ctenopsyllus segnis), Ground Squirrel Flea (Diamanus montanus) and a Flea that feeds on Prairie Dogs the Oropsylla hirsuta. They have all gained the status of being a "human Pest".

The small flightless insects are external parasites of mammals and birds, consuming their blood to survive. they are flat, with sharp claws to enable them to climb and crawl through their host's fur or feathers. Their mouths are made to pierce the skin and suck blood from the opening. They have strong hind legs enabling them to leap up to 50 times their body length. Flea larva are more worm-like, with no limbs, although they do have mouth's to feed on organic debris. The adult fleas feed on a wide array of warm-blooded mammals, including humans. Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Squirrels, Ferrets, Rats, Mice, and birds. The pests actually specialize in using one species or a group of species, often feeding on others but unable to reproduce after partaking.

The number of eggs depends on the species of Flea, ranging from two eggs to several dozens. Females lay between one hundred to many thousands in their lifetimes. Some species of Fleas live in the burrows or nests, the eggs are then laid on the surface. Others lay their eggs directly on the hosts, allowing them to fall on the ground while the animal roams its environment. The dens and nests of the hosts are normally infested with the insects because the eggs have nothing to hold them to the fur or feathers. Gestation is about two weeks, they lay more eggs on animals whose immune system's are compromised. The larva feed on organic material after they hatch, dead insects, and vegetable matter are all eaten with zeal. After 3 larval stages, if they are afforded an adequate amount of food, the Pupa weave cocoons after each stage. They emerge from the cocoons as adults after four days. The adults' primary goal in life is to consume blood and reproduce, with a host the fleas life expectancy is 3 months, without a host it's only a few days. They have an organ that can feel our body heat and detect the CO2 we emit, also capable of detecting vibrations they seek us out.

Fleas are difficult to eliminate. It is of the utmost importance to treat the pet along with the inside of the home. There are several natural ways to treat your pet for fleas:

1) Use a comb, many pets love the attention, using a good quality comb designed for the purpose of removing fleas of all sizes. There are not a lot of eggs and larva on the animal, but the adults do live the majority of their lives on their hosts. Deposit the extracted fleas in a bucket of hot soapy water rinsing the comb each time.
2) Add 1/2 cup of lemon juice (freshly squeezed) along with two cups of water into ordinary dog shampoo. Bath your pet each week, increasing proportions to the size of larger animals.
3) Apple Cider Vinegar, add one teaspoon to a quarter liter of water and let the pet drink this all day long. The formulation causes the coat of the animal to become slightly acidic, which repels the pest. Do not apply it directly to the skin of the pet.
4) Fleas will not survive the laundering process, wash the pets' bedding and any other fabrics they lie on in 140 degrees F. soapy water for a 10 minute period. Drying at the highest temperature is a sure way to eliminate the tiny pest. If the pet lays on a bed in the house, wash the sheets, and bed covers as well, at least once a week.
5) Boric acid powder works as well, simply dust areas that are not exposed to sunlight and the humidity exceeds 50 percent. Your dog can be dusted as well, some do not tolerate it and attempt to lick it off, do not allow them to. Diatomaceous Earth also does the trick, used in the same manner as Boric Acid, the animal may be dusted. Avoid causing dust, the particles are tiny and easily inhaled by both the pet and the person applying it. D.E. is also effective in treating the area for ticks. Placed in a fertilizer dispenser apply the Diatomaceous Earth to the lawn and the area surrounding the house. It is an extremely dry compound sucking the moisture from the ticks and fleas. Either Boric Acid or Diatomaceous Earth may be spread across the threshold of doorways to eliminate their journey to the interior of the home.
6)  Apply lavender oil or tea tree oil in a teaspoon of water and put it on your dog's collar. Sprinkling the concoction on a bandanna and tying it around your pets necks works just as well.
7) Vacuum every day, everywhere your pet goes. Fleas will occupy every nook and cranny of the house, during the treatment period vacuum often.
8) If it is possible, keep the pet indoors as much as possible, reduced exposure will reduce the chances of more fleas being brought into the house.
He likes it. 

Essential oils are an efficient and natural way to eliminate the flea adults, larva, and eggs. Take note however that excessive treatment quantities have the potential to harm the animal. It is always best to consult your Vet. for proper use.

My dog spends a lot of time laying in the hot sun, she is a black dog. It makes me wonder if dogs know by instinct the heat will kill the fleas. It is not inconceivable to assume the temperature of the dogs' skin will exceed 95 degrees. Heat kills a lot of pests, one of which is bed bugs, the house, in that case, is heated to a temperature of 150 degrees for a long period of time. That treatment would eliminate Fleas just as efficiently.

Fleas carry diseases, the most notable being the Bubonic Plaque that spread throughout the Medival world. The Rat Flea and the Ground Squirrel Flea are known carriers of that disease, which still exists in the wild parts of the country.

(Follow this Link to learn of the FDA's paper on the safe use of flea and tick products.)

It is the time of year for us to be concerned about a flea infestation. Unfortunately, most of the time when an infestation has started the animal begins to scratch like crazy. The bites begin to appear on our ankles, and lower legs, if they occupy our beds the tiny welts appear everywhere. Whether the pet resides in the rural areas, or in the largest of cities they are still subject to becoming hosts for fleas. They are difficult to eliminate but not impossible. The process can be completed individually, or a company specializing in pest elimination may be contracted to complete the tasks.

Thanks for reading and sharing. The natural treatments I have listed to deal with Fleas is another step in our quest to become as self-reliant as we can be. My intent is to raise our self-awareness to be able to realize the beginning and the end of their most active season. Our pets are dependent on us for their well being, is we have pets it is our personal responsibility to make sure we address those needs. Through instinct, our pets will do everything in their power not to show they are in distress causing us to notice behavior which is out of the ordinary for them. Spreading Boric Acid or Diatomaceous Earth around the house will go a long way in preventing an uncontrollable infestation. If the infestation is especially bad, at times it does go out of control, spread them liberally.


Monday, May 28, 2018

Mosquito and Tick spread diseases are on the rise, causing our awareness, and rise to the occasion.

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, Try sleeping with a mosquito"
Dalai Lama
Especially a Mosquito in a tent.
Since 2004 the number of people contracting diseases spread by Ticks' and Mosquitos has tripled. Some of the diseases have been recently introduced, others are the old standbys'.  In this article, I focus on Mosquitos' and Ticks.

What Tick diseases are on the increase?

*New Heartland Virus: Spread by infected Ticks to people. The virus has been recognized in the Southern and Midwestern United States. Symptoms of being infected are like other tickborne infections. Fever, headaches, fatigue, sore muscles, and diarrhea. Exhibiting flu-like symptoms, there are no vaccines or medications to battle the Heartland Virus infections. Sufferers commonly have lower white blood cell counts (infection-fighting cells), as well as lower than normal platelets counts (aides in blood clotting.) Increased Liver Enzymes levels are often the case. The time it takes for the disease to incubate after the initial Tick bite is not known for certain. Most patients report being bitten within the two weeks prior to seeking medical care. A few Patients have died, most fully recover. It is of the utmost importance to seek medical care as soon as possible after experiencing a Tick bite. 

The origin of the New Heartland Virus is unknown at this time. It was discovered in Northwestern Missouri by Dr. Scott Folk of Heartland Regional Medical Center in Saint Joseph. Two farmers living 60 miles apart sought medical care with the same symptoms. Fever, fatigue, diarrhea Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet levels), and Leukopenia (a decrease in White blood cell levels). The Lone Star Tick spreads the virus when feeding on blood. More than 20 cases have been reported in the United States, including two deaths. All of the reported cases are from five States: Arkansas, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.  Most of the cases are reported by people who spend time outdoors in heavily Tick populated areas, between the months of May and September.

Prior to going outdoors in areas where the New Heartland Virus is known to be carried by ticks, some preventative measures should be employed. Cover the body with full-length pants, and long sleeve shirts. Avoid areas with tall weeds, grass, and wooded areas. It is recommended to apply Deet containing Tick repellents. Deet is not consistent in the repelling of Ticks, none the less it should be applied to both body and equipment. Check the body regularly while outside, remove any Tick immediately. Using a tweezer with a small tip, remove the pest by gripping the head. Grabbing it by the body may squeeze viruses into the wound, or the head may burrow through the skin. Pain relief medications are the only treatment, antibiotics do not work against viruses. (Link to more on the Heartland Virus.)

Even though the reported cases of New Heartland Virus are low, there is the chance exposure may and infection may increase.

*Lyme Disease is on the increase, and it is spreading fast.  Between 2004 and 2016 the reported cases of Lyme Disease have tripled. Of the 642,000 reported cases of Mosquito, Tick, and Flea spread illnesses studied during the thirteen-year investigation. (2004-2016) 77% were from Ticks, of that 82 % were diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Researchers believe the actual number of Lyme disease is close to 300,000 per year, however, 19,800 to 36,430 have been reported. 90% of reported Lyme Disease instances occur in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic, with the number of counties now designated high risk has increased in excess of 320% since the late 1990's. Following is a list of little-known facts about Lyme Disease:
Typical Lyme Disease Rash.

1) It is the most common vector-borne disease ( Vector: an insect or other organisms that transmits a pathogenic fungus, virus, bacterium.) Lyme is more common than the West Nile or Zika virus. (the later virus is transmitted by Mosquitos' where Lyme is spread by Ticks.)  Borrelia burgdorferi affects humans through bites from Ticks after moving through a host of other species. They crawl onto us after being attracted by warmth and the carbon dioxide we expel. They are unable to fly or jump, gaining access to us when we brush against them while walking through tall grass, heavy undergrowth, or playing in fields. It is thought by many a Tick needs to stay attached to the skin for a period of between 24-26 hours. One thing is clear, the longer it stays attached the risk of infection increases.

2) Lyme Disease is tough to diagnose. On a personal level, I exhibited the symptoms of Lyme Disease in the late 1970's. One symptom was the bulls-eye rash that was on my lower thigh. In those day's I was an avid backpacker often hiking through high grasses, weeds, and thick undergrowth. I was raised in Minnesota and although Lyme disease was rarely contracted I was aware of what the rash looked like. The Doctor I saw simply stated, "There is no Lyme Disease-carrying Ticks in the Sierra Nevada's." I asked him what else it could be to which he did not have an answer. I have always had Rheumatoid Arthritis so the aches and pains were ignored. I carried on with my life, suffering no further symptoms or complications that I know of.

30% of the people infected do not get the rash, and cannot recall being bitten by a Tick. Blood tests to detect Lyme's look only for the Lyme disease antibodies meaning the person's immune system fought off the attack. There is no good test to detect an active infection, so it appears the diagnosis is dependent on vague clinical symptoms. Lyme disease has become a sort of "Catch all" for people suffering the symptoms with no diagnosis pinpointing the B. burgdorferi bacteria. "Chronic" Lyme Disease is used to attribute medically unexplained symptoms explaining an unknown malady.

There are several reasons Lyme Disease is becoming more common:
* Changes in land use, reforestation of farmland.
* Hunting protections on Deer, enabling the carriers of the "Deer Tick" to increase the population.
* Suburbanization more people are living near animals carrying Lyme Disease.
* Climate change, areas are staying warmer longer
* Lyme awareness has risen, people being more aware of the symptoms increase medical visits.

Illnesses spread by the Mosquito which are on the rise:
I can't write an article about Mosquito's without a picture of one. It's a rare person to have never
seen one. 

Chikungunya (bending up disease) discovered in Tanzania in 1953 it is a disease spread to humans by the Aedes Mosquito. The name translates to "that which bends up", the posture of the suffering patients. The symptoms include fever, arthralgia, (joint pain) and rash. Full recovery is the norm, however, chronic arthritis is not rare. There is no anti-viral treatment or a vaccine. Chikungunya has been the cause of many epidemics in Asia and Africa, imported cases have been reported in Asia, Australia, USA, Canada, and the Continental European Union. Italy experienced the first infection in 2010 and in 2014 autochthonous was reported in France. December 2013 it rose in the Caribbean and spread rapidly to the Americas. The virus is now spread to the entire tropical regions of America, Africa, and Asia.
(Follow this Link to the CDC's paper on Chikungunya)

Chikungunya incubation period ranges from 1-12 days, averaging 3-7. Fever, chills, headache, myalgia (muscle pain), nausea, photophobia (light sensitivity) crippling joint pain, and petechial (small red spots on the skin) or maculopapular rash. (small red bumpy rash). The acute phase usually lasts for a period of about 10 days, the chronic phase may last for many years, characterized by recurring joint pain, it affects 30-40% of the infected people. It is generally considered not to be fatal, deaths have been attributed to the virus. There is no anti-viral drug available, the non-steroid anti-inflammatory therapy being the normal treatment.

Control, prevention, and personal protection. Common prevention techniques used for personal protection against Mosquitos is prudent. A description of personal protection is listed below.

The Zika Virus was stopped with pesticides in Miami, the only City known to end an outbreak. Zika likeChikungunya (above), is spread by the Aedes Mosquitoes. People suffering from the virus display symptoms of mild fever skin rash, conjunctivitis, muscle/joint pain, and malaise (discomfort with the cause being hard to identify.) or a headache. It is the cause of microcephaly (when the baby is born with a small head.) and Guillain-Barre syndrome. (a condition when the bodies immune system attacks the nerves.)
(Follow this Link for more information on the Zika virus.)
First discovered in Uganda in 1947, through a network monitoring Yellow Fever, it was first diagnosed in monkeys. In 1952 it was first discovered in humans, Uganda and Tanzania, since then outbreaks of the virus have been recorded in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific. Typically accompanied by mild illness it was found across Africa and Asia from the  1960's-1980's. 2007 in the small Island of Yap, (Federated States of Micronesia) the first large outbreak of Zika was reported.

The symptoms of Zika include fever, skin rashes, conjunctivitis, muscle and joint pain, malaise and headache. Usually being mild these symptoms last between 2-7 days. The disease is transmitted to people when an infected  Aedes aegypti mosquito bites them usually during the day. This is the same mosquito that transmits the Dengue, Chikungunya and yellow fever. Blood transfusions and sexual transmission are also possible. The diagnosis is possible only through laboratory testing of the blood, urine, saliva or semen. There is no treatment other than for patients to get lots of rest, drink fluids, and take aspirin or other over the counter pain medications. There are no vaccines available.

Universal protection from Mosquito bites. 
Prevention is the same protection against mosquito bites as practiced over the world. Aedes mosquitoes will bite in both indoor and outdoor settings. Personal protection measures must be utilized every day but most notably during mid-morning, late afternoon, and the evening hours.
Personal protection measures must be taken in risk areas with the use of repellents as well as wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Mosquitos thrive in the tall wet grass. the use of insecticidal treated mosquito bed nets is essential for protection from mosquitos bites.
Controlling breeding sites consisting of wet, and stagnant pools of water are prudent.
Repellent use for adults and children over the age of 3 years is a necessity.
This little guy knows the score.

There are numerous other diseases carried and spread by Mosquitos', this article does not address most of them. The intent is to raise awareness to enable people to be self-reliant enough to recognize when they or a loved one may be in danger of contracting a serious illness. It is our duty to take it upon ourselves to ensure we as individuals are doing everything we are able to do to keep the spread of diseases to a minimum. As travel becomes more common it is prudent for all of us to recognize the dangers that may be lurking in some of the exciting places of which we visit worldwide. The faster travel is, the better communications are, and the more social interactions we partake of make it prudent for each of use to prepare for the possibility of contracting a rare, or common illness.

Thank you for reading and sharing this article. I began with the intent to write about Ticks lurking in the areas around our homes. That will be my next article. Thanks again.


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Self-reliance and self awareness are directly related to mass production and interchangeable parts, I explain how.

Mass production is vital to the world's economy. Supplying products for the masses, it is usually attributed to a few people in modern times. Henry Ford and Eli Whitney being two of them. I question if interchangeable parts and co-operation for manufacturing them is a process developed in the past few hundreds of years. Is it actually a process that began a few thousands of years ago? Was the birth of the idea the spawn of self-reliance, self-awareness, and personal responsibility? How far back do we have to search to uncover the answers?
Agriculture was the first commodity to be mass produced.

The first examples of Mass Production took place when humans began cultivating the land for the production of agricultural crops. Fields of grains, pens full of livestock, along with the gathering of wild nuts, berries, and fruit. As populations increased so did the need for large quantities of food. Next to come along was Mass Production with interchangeable parts, that's the distinction I am making in this article. When did Mass Production utilizing parts that were able to be mixed and matched between assemblies put into practice? In this article, I answer that question.

The year was 1793, Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin. He was born and raised on a farm in Westboro, Massachusetts, December 8, 1765. He attended Yale University prior to continuing on to invent the Cotton Gin and pioneer "interchangeable parts". The Cotton Gin revolutionized the process of cleaning the cotton, it was able to clean 5 pounds of Cotton a day. It doesn't sound like much to us in modern times, but in the South, it was an incredibly important invention. One man (a slave) on a Cotton Plantation was able to clean one pound a day. A Cotton Gin was able to produce 24 hours a day which enabled Cotton to become an exportable profitable commodity. The Cotton Gin was copied by many farmers causing Mr. Whitney to spend countless days in court defending his invention. It was obvious to him he was fighting a losing battle at which time he decided to license gins at prices farmers were able to afford. I mention this because it was the inspiration for his next major project, interchangeable parts.

Mr. Whitney needed an income, after all, legal battles were expensive during that early period of the United States, as they are now. In the year 1798, the United States was facing the potential of a war with France, a formidable challenge for the young nation. The Fledgling Government turned to private contractors to supply weapons. Eli Whitney was up to the challenge promising to manufacture and deliver 10,000 rifles in a two year period. His bid was accepted. As with all mass produced products requiring identical parts special machinery had to be invented and built. Eli invented milling machines capable of slicing steel and other metals, with the use of reusable patterns producing one particular part. Exact duplicate parts were manufactured and when assembled they would fit any other firearm of the same design and manufacturer. It took 10 years to complete the initial order of 10,000 muskets. He did not meet the contract, but the Government awarded him another contract for 15,000 more which he was able to satisfy in two years. He was indeed an early innovator of interchangeable parts during the early years of the United States.

Henry Ford invented and Mass Produced with the use of interchangeable parts the first car made specifically for the masses. He was born July 30, 1863, and died April 7, 1947. Production began in October 1908, continuing until 1927, the model T was nicknamed the "Tin Lizzie". In 1918 one half of the cars in the U.S. were Model "T's". They were constructed on a "moving assembly line", reducing the production time it took to manufacture a car. Initially, the time spent building a car was 12 hours, his innovative moving line reduced that to 2-1/2 hours. The drastic reduction of labor enabled the automobiles price to drop from $850.00 in 1908 to $310.00 by the year 1926. Mr. Ford's goal was to build a horseless carriage, which he accomplished in 1892. During a meeting the same year he presented his plans for the automobile, Thomas Edison was in the audience. The inventor encouraged Henry to build a second better model, which he did, he never looked back.
The "Tin Lizzy".

A major motivator of the time was the elimination of horse-drawn vehicles in the Cities. In the year of 1908, there were 120,000 horses at work in the Nations largest City. The problem was not isolated to New York. In Milwaukee Wisconsin, 1907, the population was 350,000 humans, 12,500 horses. Producing 133 tons of horse manure each day, or 3/4 of a pound for each resident. Rochester New York supporting a population of 15,000 horses produced a pile 175 feet high, covering every inch of one acre per year. It is not difficult to imagine the number of flies. Manure and flies were not the only motivation to find a solution to the horses, they were mortal. Horses die, in New York City an average of 1,000 of the animals died on the streets every day. It was the Cities responsibility to gather them up and do something with them. The financial burden was becoming unbearable for the local governments to fund. Henry Ford was not the only manufacturer of horseless carriages, but he was indeed the major one, helping to solve a serious problem.  His famous quote "If it was left up to the masses they would have wanted faster horses."

Thomas Blanchard born June 24, 1788, in Sutton Mass. died April 16, 1864. He made great contributions to the development of machine tools. His first project was the invention of an apple parer, his second was the tack-making machine for his brothers' factory. He went on to invent a lathe used to turn the regular and irregular sections of gun barrels. In 1818 he was employed by Springfield Arsenal where he invented a lathe that followed a pattern producing identical parts. As Eli Whitney with his patents, Thomas fought for years with Congress for renewal. He invented a steam carriage in 1825, then later became interested in railroads, and shallow draft steamboats. The United States needed weapons for the military, it seems many inventions were spawned from saber rattling.

There are many more inventors that were working on Mass Production with interchangeable parts during this period of our country. I have chosen these three, two Thomas Blanchard and Eli Whitney were pioneers in bringing the idea of interchangeable parts to the factory floor. They both experienced success in making them, Henry Ford developed the modern process of how to use them to the fullest advantage. There were earlier inventors that shared the same ideas, motivations, and abilities. Let's get on with it and see if you agree with me, Mass Production with interchangeable parts started thousands of years ago.

Emperor Qin's Tomb, at the age of 13 (246 B.C.) Ying Zheng took the throne. In 221 B.C. he took the name Qin Shi Huang Di, First Emperor of Qin. In March 1974, farmers digging a well discovered a pit containing 8,000 life-size soldiers, horses, weapons, and wagons. 20 miles East of Xi'an the area was identified by archeologists as the final resting place of Emperor Qin. It is believed 700,000 workers toiled 30 years on the burial site. Constructed of Terra Cotta 6,000 soldiers were discovered in the first pit. A second pit was found containing cavalry, and infantry, a third was found containing chariots and high ranking officers. Each soldiers face was unique, but only eight molds were used to form the heads. After assembly individual features were added to the faces making each one different. Most of the hands are identical suggesting the use of one mold which was copied to make more molds. 40,000 bronze weapons were found, battle axes, crossbows, arrowheads and spears, all plated in chrome. All of the various body parts were manufactured with the use of molds, then delivered to the site for assembly. Unique features were added prior to firing in a kiln to make each figure individual entities. Only 1% of the tomb has been investigated, the remainder may never be. Historic documents detail the rivers inside the pyramid were filled with Mercury, soil samples have confirmed the heavy metal in the surrounding soil.
6,000 Terracotta warriors, mass produced.

This is an early example of Mass Production with interchangeable parts. It certainly is logical to think with the number of weapons discovered, all identical, some form of mass production with the intent to make assembly easy and rapid was employed. This being my first presentation of evidence of the production technique. (Follow this Link to How the Terracotta army was made, it's interesting.)

Qufu China inside tombs 3 and 12 bronze crossbow bolts were discovered dating back to the 5th century B.C. In Saobatang, China in tomb 138 full crossbows were discovered traced back to the 4th century B.C. It is believed crossbows first appeared in Europe during the same periods. Why did I choose this particular item as evidence of mass production with interchangeable parts you may be wondering. It was not uncommon during those years in Asia, Europe, and Central Asia for 1/2 of an Army to be crossbowmen. The actions used to control the firing of the bolts were discovered to be made of bronze. Each crossbow were exact duplicates of one another, causing me to speculate they were cast from molds. Historical documents detailing the production techniques of the weapons are scarce, the archeological evidence is the majority of the information. It is reasonable due to the number of actions, bows, and bolts needed to equip an army that mass production with interchangeable parts was part of the production process. The tips of the bolts surely were mass produced using molds and melted bronze, the shafts had to fit any sharp point, and the bolt must fit the crossbow. All of the parts had to work together to enable an army of 10's of thousands of soldiers to stand a chance versus an Army equally equipped. In an Army of 50,000, as many as 25,000 most likely were crossbowmen. If each soldier had just one arrow (bolt) 25,000 would be needed. There must have been hundreds of horse-drawn wagons loaded with the projectiles making one at a time manufacture impossible. 100,000 arrows would have allocated 4 to each Bowman, a recipe for failure. Such is my second piece of evidence, even though full of assumptions and speculation. I do think it is reasonable to attribute mass production with identical parts to have been employed during the production of crossbows, bots, and actions. (Follow this Link to read more about the history of the Crossbow.)

It is unknown which civilization first used the Recurve Bow, the earliest examples date back to 1,000 B.C. We do know they were widely used in Central Asia by the Persians (now Iranians), Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Greeks. The Romans and Carthaginians used them later. In this section, I'm not focusing on the recurve bow as much as I am on the arrows. I suspect the bows were constructed of similar parts, but certainly not identical. However, the arrows surely must have been. When 10's of thousands of men were carrying recurve bows in battle many arrows would be needed. The arrowheads must fit the shafts, which must work on the bows, consistency would be vital. A bowman must be able to pick an arrow out from thousands out of a supply wagon and be sure it will work. Each shaft had to be straight, the feathers straight, the notch made the correct size, and the arrowhead had to be sharp and balanced. This was the bronze age, molds and melted bronze were an important part of every major civilization of the time. Thousands of workers would still have been needed to produce them with the goal being to make thousands exactly the same. The recurve bows may have been mass produced. In order to bend wood, it must be softened in a steam chest, then placed in a jig and bent, that also points to mass production but not necessarily identical parts. Clearly, this is a case of being "the same, but different." As far as the strings are concerned, they also had to be mass produced but again identical parts would not be needed, again the same but different. The evidence lies in the arrows when a huge amount of anything is needed streamlining the process is in order.
Mongols were just one of many Kingdoms to use the recurve bow.

The ancient people were not dumb, the difference between them and us is technology. They had the intelligence to invent and develop new ideas to make their lives easier. I am convinced they employed mass production using interchangeable parts to accomplish a wide range of needed goods. It did add to their self-awareness, self-reliance, and personal responsibility. It is related to self-reliance by enabling people to protect themselves and family. Self-awareness by increasing their knowledge of the dangers of the world, and Personal accountability by binding the population together in a common cause, community defense, and food. The population of the world was increasing, creating an awareness of nationality, and defense of that nation, and their way of life. Throughout history, the march of progress kept a steady drumbeat. It created an environment conducive to innovation. Mass production began when items (mostly weapons) were needed to protect the masses. Mass production with interchangeable parts was a natural reaction to the increasing world's population. At first used to produce weapons to provide food, with a secondary use as protection. It became the partner of armies in their endless quest for defensive weapons. Now everything is mass produced. So much so fewer products are repairable.

In conclusion, Eli Whitney, Thomas Blanchard, and Henry Ford made mass production using interchangeable parts a reality in our modern world. The Ancient peoples were every bit as innovated and resourceful, making it not a question of who should receive credit for the end result. Instead, it should be looked at as another amazing way humanity devised ways to deal with serious situations. Demonstrating we build upon the knowledge of the people the came before us. That certainly aids us in our quest to be ever more self-reliant, self-aware, and personally responsible.

Thank you for reading and sharing this article. Do you think I'm all wet with this? What do you think? let me know in the comments.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

"Potato columns"- which medium works best straw or leaves? Will any other vegetables grow in them?

"I was just sittin' here enjoyin' the company. Plants got a lot to say if you take the time to listen." Eeyore
I am under the impression they listen to us, hmm, I will try a new tactic.
Early this year I built three columns. One was filled with fallen leaves, in which I planted Cantaloupe seeds. The other was filled with straw, Potatoes were planted in it. The third was constructed as a leaf "reserve" for use in my worm farm and make up for my garden beds. I am relatively surprised at the result. It may be a surprise to you also.

"Potato columns"- which medium works best straw or leaves?

During the month of February 2018, I constructed two wire framed columns. One was filled with fallen leaves, the other with straw. I planted 22 seed Potatoe's in the straw, on a bed of compost. At the bottom of the leaf tower, I planted Cantaloupe seeds. The Potatoes at the bottom of the stack were placed on a "nest" of compost. The soil was supported by a 6-inch bed of straw. 5 seed potatoes were placed on top of the compost, a total of 5 levels were planted. Six Cantaloupe seeds were planted at the bottom of the leaf stack. I used a 1-inch twig plunging it 6 inches into the leaf tower. At the bottom of the 6-inch deep hole, I planted 3 seeds in 5 spots. 

My expectation was that both stacks would perform equally well. My reasoning was at the time there should not be a difference between the two because they are both organic. The end result is straw worked, leaves did not.

Potatoes were not the only vegetable I planted in the towers. In the straw tower, I planted 22 seed potatoes as stated above. On the top of this stack were planted beet seeds, with minimal compost. 12 potato plants have emerged through the sides of the "hog wire" screen column. I am confident more will send their leaves into the sunlight. The straw performed well along with the seed potatoes. It does not matter, from my observance, at which level in the pile the potatoes were planted, they sprouted at each.  There are no potatoes showing outside the screen tower on the west side. That side does not receive the same amount of sunshine as the North, East, and South sides receive. The plants on that side may not get enough sun to perform as rapidly as the other three sides. I am suspecting they may emerge later during the month of June. I plan to produce a video when the potatoes are finished, I may discover a cause at that time. I currently do not have a reason for the plants not to be showing on the shaded side.
A photo of my reserve leaf tower. It is composted in the center.
That's good old skunkpuppy in front of it. 

The Cantaloupe seeds did not sprout, I am confident they will not. The reason may be due to the speed at which the leaves compost.  I inadvertently discovered what may be the reason that leads to the failure. I have built a third wire tower to hold leaves with the intent to use them as "make up" for my raised beds as the older organic materials composted. During my efforts to remove some of the leaves from the "reserve" stack I dug 6 inches deep taking up the first clump. At the bottom of the armload of leaves was composted organic material. At the time I assembled the stacks, I did not think about the rate of the composition. I would like to say had I thought of it, I would have allowed for that to happen. In reality, I most likely would not have connected the dots. The Cantaloupe seeds were planted in the bottom of the leaf tower, it remained moist from the moment the leaves were set in place. It is my unproven theory the melon seeds decomposed along with the leaves. To further give confidence to my idea, nothing sprouted from the leaf tower. It leads me to believe all of the seeds, weed, flower, or vegetable, were all composted along with the leaves.

My experiment of planting beet seeds on the top of the final set on the Potato column was unsuccessful as well. I must say that my bar of success was low pertaining to this project. Mostly due to the fact I have had difficulty growing beets in the past. I have experienced mixed results when they were planted in the ground. I say mixed results because my expectations in the soil were at the time high. I suspected 90% of the seeds would produce a beetroot, the reality was 60% sprouted. The seeds were planted on the top of the stack in a nest of compost approximately 3 inches deep. As I do with all of my vegetable plants I watered them with worm tea I make at home. After the potatoes are finished, which should be at the end of July, I may discover the reason they did not grow. While I am writing this I must say I do not know why they didn't show.

I have not grown sweet potatoes in the past, my experience is nill. I planted a set of 5 at the top of the straw tower, they have yet to grow. They were planted at a later date than the five sets in the main section. I placed them there after I abandoned the beetroot experiment. They were planted in the same manner as the other Potatoes. Three varieties of spuds were planted, under them, sweet potatoes may take longer to grow. I will not disturb the Potato tower, however, if the sweets do eventually grow that will be fine. If they don't, well that means another learned garden lesson, they are the best lessons to learn.
This photo is the first set of Potatoes that were planted in the
Straw Tower. Notice the bed of compost.

This photo is my completed Straw Tower, it was just completed at this time.
To the right is a Peach Tree I started from a Peach Pit, March 2017.

The potato peels that sprouted were planted in the reserve column, they did not continue to grow. I raise earthworms for the use of their castings (manure) as fertilizer. I use it two ways, one in its natural state of manure, secondly, I brew "worm tea". (link to my video). Seeds will sprout in the worm farm, normally between the castings and the composted worm bedding. I generally pull the sprouts and lay them on the top of the bedding. The worms will eat the sprouts after the microbes perform their part of the deal. The potato peels sprouted in the same manner, I decided to plant them as another experiment. I am fortunate in that I rarely see an experiments end result as a failure or success. The point to me is it was attempted, and oh well that's the way it goes. I do believe they met the same fate as the Cantaloupe seeds, they were most likely composted along with the leaves. They may have survived in the straw tower, I will try that experiment again.
This is a photo of my large worm farm immediately after it was completed.
I have 4 others in the garage, all much smaller, this is 4'x4'x4'

The straw tower is more productive than the leaf tower, due to the rate of composition I surmise. Straw decomposes slowly as anyone knows who has worked with that medium. That is one reason worm farmers do not use it as bedding in their bins. We use leaves for the opposite reason, it decomposes rapidly aiding the wigglers in their environment which they eat their way through. Worm tea is full of microbes and good bacteria, plus a very natural organic nitrogen. The microbes in the worm tea attack organic material, and food items breaking it down to a palatable consistency for the red wigglers. In other words, the food is broken down in the process of rotting, the worms survive on rotten food. The tea also breaks down the leaves causing me to believe the worm tea in the leaf towers aided in preventing the Cantaloupe and potato peels from growing. (Follow this Link to a video I made explaining how to make Worm Tea)

The worm tea would interact with the straw in the same manner, but being a harder organic material the microbes take a longer time to break down the straw. The potatoes were planted in compost, the worm tea works well due to the microbes will feast on the organic material in it because it is softer. Literally avoiding the straw until the softer substance is broken down. Castings are loaded with nitrogen much like the commercially available products but with a major difference. Worm manure nitrogen is in a form that is ready to be immediately used by the plants, it will not burn plants. Commercial nitrogen is synthetic, making it harder for the plant to use, it will burn plants.

Straw appears to be the material to use, however, there is one more issue that draws my attention. When the potatoes are finished and the straw is separated from them can the straw be used again? I question if it can be because of the composition rates. The straw will be well on its way to being transformed into soil, will the microbes in the worm tea be able to break it down much easier? I plan on re-using it, when the potatoes are harvested in late July I will plant more. The combination of straw, compost, and worm tea work, I will find out if the combination of used straw, compost, and worm tea work equally as well. (Follow this Link to my video on how to construct a worm farm)

Thank you for reading and sharing my blog, please leave a comment about your experiences in the garden. I'm not sure if talking to my plant's will assist them in their growth. Mostly I'm out there talking to myself, perhaps they think I'm talking to them. I do agree with Eeyore, the plants do have a lot to say, we merely have to pay attention to them. Thanks again.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Myths, Folklore, and Superstition are all a part of predicting disasters, here's some that relate to Earthquakes.

  Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, I came across this word today. Where do they originate? It's a descriptive name of a disease that is imported to the world from Asia as an accidental by-product of the amphibian pet market. It describes a fungus that is killing frogs throughout the world. Descriptive words of which this one is, are based on scientific research. They normally describe a particular finding of the investigations. When there is no proven scientific study completed, humans will connect unrelated events to explain natural calamities. Predicting Earthquakes is one of those phenomena that we will invent Myths to explain the source of the cause. 

The article I wrote two days ago was centered around predicting Earthquakes. As I  write I'm constantly researching words and statistics. During that process, I regularly come across articles related to the subject I am on. Earthquake prediction searches turn up numerous interesting topics. I have chosen to write about one of them. Earthquake prediction Myths, some ancient predictions, some modern, and some common to both. Humans have always been on a quest to understand the environment we live in and we have always tried to make sense of seemingly unexplainable natural events. To satisfy that curiosity people have relied on Myths, folk remedies, and often superstition. I have discovered a few of them, in this article I will list some ancient, as well as some that are still believed today.
Somebody dreams these things up.

* Earthquake Weather; people have related the weather to earthquake activity ever since we developed the ability to relate two natural events to one another. It would be logical if the Prehistoric Humans connected the two, many people still do to this day. My wife is one of them. It was mentioned in my last article. Asking her to come outdoors one early morning I asked her if she thought the day was a bit odd. The morning was hazy, yellowish hue, weirdly warm, and a slight wind. Without hesitation, she replied "we're going to have an earthquake." very matter of factly. She and I have had that conversation before, weather and earthquakes share no known relationship.

Earthquakes always happen early in the morning; actually, the news here is that the tremblers have no sense of time. The huge Mexico City earthquake of last year occurred on the afternoon of September 19, 2017, 1:14 central time. Loma Prieta took place at 5:02 p.m. (1989). We have a tendency to remember events that support our theory's.

California will one day shear off and fall into the ocean; No, it won't, the Pacific Plate is moving in a Northwesterly direction as related to the North American Plate. It's moving horizontally, which means Los Angelos is moving North towards San Francisco. We won't sink but one day we may end up with a huge City on San Francisco Bay. With San Francisco on the shores of the Columbia River. No, California will not drop into the Pacific, it will merely move North, but not the entire state just the part West of the San Andreas fault.

Small Quakes will reduce the pressure keeping bigger ones from happening; uh, no. It would take a billion magnitude 3's to equal one magnitude 9. The small shaker may release some pressure in a very small area, but it will not prevent a bigger one.

Prior to an Earthquake deep sea creatures are washed up on the beaches; Three days ago a hairy six-meter (just under 20 foot) long animal washed onto the beach in the small town of San Antonio, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. Most residents were alarmed by the news as it's believed to be an omen. Something bad is going to happen is a common sentiment. "An earthquake is headed for Oriental Mindoro, please pray for us." Is another belief. The hairy beast is most likely a sea cow or a whale in the final stages of decomposition. It is not a precursor of an impending disaster of any kind.

  There is a grain of truth in Myths, history has been passed from generation to generation in the form of stories. It is hard to tell if the story preceded the natural event, or if a Myth was adapted to include the occurrence. Natural disasters must have been unbearably frightening for the people in pre-historic times.

* In the North Western United States; It was believed a struggle between the Thunderbird, and a Whale caused Tsunamis and Earthquakes. The disasters most likely took place and a Myth was created to explain the Natual events.

* The Greeks believed Poseidon was the god of the sea, his nickname was Earthshaker. When he became angry his trident would cause a trembler as he slammed it into the ground.
Poseidon with his Trident, causing an Earthquake

Japan is known for many things, two of those are Earthquakes and Tsunamis. A giant catfish was believed to be the cause, it lived under the Island Nation. The people would catch a catfish after an Earthquake then beat it with sticks as a punishment for causing the related disasters.

In Europe during medieval times a common belief was that "Atlas Shrugged". Causing the earth to shake when he shifted the weight of the world resting on his shoulders.

*   The great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 was not only a major shaker on the ground, but it shook the religious, and philosophical establishments of the time as well. The reasoning was a gentle and benevolent God would not have allowed the deaths (60,000) and massive human suffering. It was determined the cause must be something inside of the Earth. It is thought that realization was the beginning of scientific study into the cause of the tremblers.

A common belief during ancient times and carried on to modern days is the moon is capable of causing Earthquakes. It is possible the tide can nudge the tectonic plates a tiny bit but is it possible for a full moon cause an Earthquake? The answer is simply no, however everytime an Earthquake occurs on the phase of the moon the Myth is resurrected and begins another life. It's a Myth that has been around as long as people have had the ability to relate natural events to one another.
No, the Moon is not a predictor either, sorry.

  We seek patterns to explain the world around us, often we believe animals have special abilities to predict, that is not accurate as well. We have a tendency to believe an increase in shakers is a precursor to a larger one that is soon to happen, no they are not related. The prediction of Earthquakes is impossible right up to today, but it sure doesn't stop us from trying. It's fairly easy now to predict where one will happen, however, the trick is predicting when.

  Thank you for reading and sharing this article, please leave a comment with a myth you have heard pertaining to the prediction of an Earthquake. Especially if the prediction was accurate, which I am sure somewhere, at some time someone did predict one, place, and time.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Earthquake prediction fantasy or reality?

  A few minute warning prior to an Earthquake has the potential to save many lives and a substantial amount of infrastructure. Prediction of Earthquakes is elusive to Science, even though a special Department and an ample budget exist. To predict them has a been a goal since the first human existed that has ever experienced one, the subject of this article is just that Earthquake Prediction.

This is a photograph of a common Earthquake Warning,
the format is used for Tornado and Hurricane alerts as well.

  We received an earthquake warning earlier tonight, it came across the television screen at around 7:30 pm. The time of the occurrence was 7:18 pm, the warning was very timely, I have a minor concern about how it was presented. it was claimed to be a "warning", I am pretty sure they meant something else. One statement could be "an Earthquake has occurred" perhaps, prediction is not an accurate science yet. It was a 3.6 magnitude, the epicenter was just East of Oakland California, near Piedmont. I thought I felt it but I am not sure, the wind is blowing hard causing the house to shake and shudder. My wife and I live in one of those communities where the houses are built on pylons due to flooding possibilities, which could be caused by an earthquake. Earthquakes are common on the West Coast, in the past 24 hours California has experienced 18. During the past 7 days we had 216, the past 30 days 704 occurred, and the past year 8,029. The world has experienced 163 during the past 24 hours. All of the Earthquakes are reported from the lowest point detectable in magnitude which is a 3. The Richter Scale calculates the shakers size from the amplitude of the most powerful seismic wave measured on a seismograph. The Richter Scale was developed during the 1970's, taking the place of the Richter magnitude scale developed during the 1930's. Each step of the scale represents a 32 times increase of the lower number, for example, a 4 magnitude is 32 times more powerful than a 3 magnitude. (Follow this Link to the Earthquake Saftey web site.)
  All of the statistics that have been kept on the strength of Earthquakes are recorded after the event. The reason for that is obvious, Earthquakes cannot be predicted, the science is not there yet. The Science of seismology is concerned with all things earth-shaking, the Earthquake Prediction entity exists under that large umbrella. The Earthquake Prediction division is concerned with time, location, and magnitude of future Earthquakes, within set parameters for the next one to occur. That is a large bucket to fill.
  Earthquakes cannot be predicted, not one event has ever been successfully predicted. Science does not expect to know how to predict one in the future. I have heard many people make statements of how their pet acts differently, or the wild ones are engaging in strange activities. That may be so, just because I have never seen an example of such behavior it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I was having coffee on the porch overlooking the slough on Saturday morning, I noticed something odd in the Atmosphere. It was slightly hazy, a cooler than the normal breeze, and a heavy feeling in the air. It was 7 am we had just rolled out of bed my wife and me, we got up expecting to see our little granddaughter for the next two days. I called her (my wife) outside and asked her if she thought it was a strange morning. Her reply "oh yeh, it is, we're probably going to have an Earthquake." Now we've had this conversation before, my position is she is unable to predict Earthquakes, that's when she comes up with her other theory. If she sees a dead cat on the side of the road, that is a sure sign of an earthquake. Unfortunately, she has never predicted one, however, I must admit this one came pretty close, but we've had 216 during the past week making it hard to miss at least one of them. A prediction is pretty much worthless with the remainder of the information missing. What, Where, and When the How will come later.
I'm not sure why the students have their hands over their heads
but this is a standard Earthquake Evacuation drill taking place at
a school. 
  Neither does the past predict activity in the future or if one occurred 50 miles distant it is no predictor of one happening near you. Even proclaiming we are "overdue" really rings hollow as does any of the other statements that seem as if they were written to evoke an emotional response, Lord knows our Government does enough of that.
  Most Government agencies warn us to "be prepared" for one, and we should, they commonly use the phrase "it's not a question of if one will occur, it's a matter of when." That is true, What, Where, and When will be addressed after the inevitable does occur. We are in a perpetual state of readiness, for the most part, our collective self-awareness is keen, however, it remains a mere 33% of us are actually prepared for one. Remaining 66% is divided equally between those who care but not enough to be prepared and those who are indifferent to the reality. I have written before that every Earthquake with the exception of one, I have experienced has been met with a reaction of surprise by the people in my vicinity at the time. Most commonly someone will say "was that an Earthquake?" It's a bit like the widely ignored Tsunami warnings, except anything Earthquake is paid attention to. ( Follow this Link to FEMA's make a plan template page.)
  I am in the camp of people with the belief that at some point science will be able to predict them accurately enough to save many lives. That is the goal to be able to predict the Where, When, and What with ample time for people to head out the door. As with Tsunamis, an inaccurate prediction has the ability to set the research back. Public buy-in is there, we are all ready for accurate prediction to occur. Science realizes the responsibility they have, if a warning is not accurate, it will do the science no good. From my perspective I am not overly worried about earthquakes occurring around us, I will take them in stride, I have our kit and plan by the door. As usual, I am concerned about the human aspect, this being in places around the country that have unknown faults. Either unknown faults or forgotten faults such as the New Madrid Fault in Missouri are my biggest concern. On the West Coast, we have been conditioned to Earthquakes, I'm not saying we have any special anything to deal with them, we expect one to happen is what I mean. My concern is if people in seismically idle places don't know how one feels will they know what actions to take if it does strike? I remember one I was in, I was at work in a huge shop when it occurred. The shaking was very pronounced, lights shaking, breakers shutting the equipment down, and the power went out. Immediately everyone ran out of the building, we knew it was a large one, looking back it may have been basic survival reactions. If that was the case we don't have to worry about our fellow countrymen and women knowing what to do, they will run out of the building.
  We received an Earthquake warning, after the fact, I see the humor in it, I'm sure the news station did as well. Earthquakes can't be predicted, Science won't try without a proven method, and we will continue to be divided 33%-33%-33% until a trustworthy system is developed.
This is a photograph of a typical commercially prepared Earthquake Kit.
  Thanks for reading and sharing, if the ground starts shaking when you are outdoors, you'll be fine. If it starts shaking while you are indoors, you will have a few seconds before it stops to determine your course of action.
  Leave a comment with your experience or stories about earthquakes, I'd like to hear them, thanks.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Disaster alerts are heeded one is not, it's a huge problem

Pele is erupting on the Island of Hawaii, people are in distress with many being left homeless, emergency services are essential. A threat of the Volcano having an immense explosion is expected as well within the next week or so. The lifesaver was the heeding of warnings the event was likely to occur, which it did and continues to for the foreseeable future. There is, however, one natural event that hardly anyone pays any attention to when warnings are issued, it leaves me bewildered.  

  This has been a big news week, as is usual as far as I'm concerned the biggest attention-getting is the issues that cause the most suffering for humanity. Natural disasters are not only the most spectacular visions of unbelievable destruction, once in a while we experience one that appears to have no end in sight. Such is the case of Pele erupting on the Big Island of Hawaii, that lava cannot be stopped, slowed, or the direction or duration estimated. I don't understand a lot about the makeup of a volcano, all I know is what I have read about or what is covered on the news stations. The human suffering is staggering, homes lives, and entire environments will be changed for hundreds of years. Being several thousands of miles distant my compassion for them runs deep in my soul, but that and two bucks will by a cup of coffee at Starbucks, I personally feel helpless.

  A huge lifesaver in that event is the people heeded the warning that the volcano was acting up and going to erupt. From the appearance of it, all the people heeded the warning and immediately began to do whatever they could to manage the situation from their point of view. Some people did try to build berms to deflect the red-hot flowing lava, others waited to see if their places of residence would be consumed by the beast, and others immediately left. The main thing is the majority of people paid attention to the alerts and followed evacuation procedures. This event is one of those that I will once again embrace the words that I am very cautious to use, "Catastrophe", "Disaster", "Evacuation Emergency", and "Preparation for a disaster". Most of them are overused words, there are others but these are the main ones I steer clear of, some events earn all of these descriptions, this volcanic eruption is one of them. The people paid attention to the warnings, which convinced me many lives were saved, that is the important thing, structures facing lava are doomed. (Link to a New York Times report on the Volcano)
  As a child, I lived in Tornado country, at its northernmost point, Minnesota, during spring and fall tornado warnings were normal. There are many parts of the country that suffered more and bigger Tornadoes, I can only relate to the ones I was involved in. When a Tornado warning was sounded we would tune into our televisions, or just as likely in those days our radios. We would be told which Counties and Cities were in the most danger, if our area was mentioned we went outside. Looking into the sky for that tail dipping out of the clouds toward the ground, the rain would start, it would pour rain, the wind would blow, then stop to an eerie calm the sky would take on a green tint. We waited for the sirens, or as we were all gazing into the clouds for a tail that would touch the ground. We would head for the basement when the threat was becoming more obvious, and wait the storm out. There are safe places where people could evacuate to, especially if a person lived in a Trailer Park, as we called them, or if the schools were in session they also had safe spaces. We heeded the warnings and took them very seriously, I don't recall anyone referring to themselves as a "Storm Chaser", we most likely would have thought they had a loose screw. The reality is the people paid attention to the warning and advice of emergency personnel, as well as broadcast news media.
  I haven't experienced the full frontal force of a Hurricane, I have been in three, on the outskirts of two. Those two were while I was in the U.S. Navy while our ship was in Subic Bay, Philippines. An alert was sent through town for those of us on Liberty to get the heck back to the ship, of which we did. I must qualify this, missing movement of a ship a sailor is attached to is a major offense, we had to report back immediately. Some sailors did not make it back, most of us did, we obeyed the order, reported on board, and the ship made way. It is not always safest to head into a Hurricane, our intent was to outrun the monster, most Hurricanes (Typhoon in Asia) are a slow-moving lumbering beast. Our ship was not much faster, the Captain made the call to outrun it or go into it, we never headed into one while I was on board. We heeded the call to return to the ship, we took it very seriously, of course, we obeyed orders but more than that is was our surest avenue of surviving the storm. The people of Florida are the same, they are actually to be respected for their response to Hurricanes, it seems they have a lot of them. Very few flat out ignore the warnings, they have it dialed in. They, for the most part, do not evacuate unless the storm is above a Catagory 3, one reason is the building codes for new homes require them to withstand a Cat 3 Hurricane. The other reason is experience, it can't be argued with, but still, they pay attention to the warnings, they do not shrug them off.

  Blizzard warnings are taken seriously by the people of the North, grocery stores are packed with people laying in supplies. They like the people in Florida have it dialed in for blizzards, it also comes from experience, enough of them occur that if a warning is ignored it may possibly be a matter of life and death. A lot of people I'd like to say most have a trunk containing blankets, jackets, shovels, and many items to help them in case they are on the road and become stranded. When a blizzard warning is televised it is taken seriously, most people will stay off the roads, however, some do get caught and stranded. None the less, attention is paid to the warnings and everyone knows of the potential danger of the storm.
  Wildfire alerts are also listened to very carefully, wind speed, direction, the speed of the fire, and which areas are in peril are all closely monitored by people in the vicinity. If the responders knock on the door and tell us to leave immediately, very few people ignore the call, they get the heck out of Dodge. There is no way to predict the direction, duration, or the speed of the firestorm on an individual basis, without exception the firefighting entities have it down to a science. People upon the initial alert begin to secure their property, take care of livestock, and plan for evacuation, many have responsibilities beyond merely grabbing and going, some choose to remain to protect their animals. In the case of Wildfires, everyone takes the warning extremely serious, and pay close attention to reports of what progress and destruction are taking place.
  Dam burst as the one upstream of where I live (about 100 miles away), the situation at the Oroville Dam during the winter of 2017. The spillway was compromised by an enormous amount of rainfall causing the level of the reservoir to rise above the top of the highest dam in the United States. Coursing down the spillway which was compromised the water tore it apart, gouging out the underlying layers of soil until it was solid bedrock. The call to evacuate the Cities in the path of the dam burst were issued and the people paid attention to the warning. I as you may recall seeing on the news an endless stream of cars heading down the mountains toward the safety of the faraway valleys. It was said the water behind the dam would submerge the City of Oroville beneath ten feet of water, the people did not have to be told twice, they headed out for higher ground. There again the warnings were not ignored, people took them seriously.
  Even the storms we have in California are taken seriously, most people from other places realize a storm here is not the same as a storm in Texas or Oklahoma. Still, the warning is taken seriously, like with blizzards the grocery stores will fill up with people getting ready to be possibly stuck at home for a while. Here the intensity of a storm is usually not as great as the longevity of it, we have some heavy rainfall, however, the biggest threat is when a steady rain is experienced for an extended time. A full month of rain is not unheard of, the amount of rain is minimal per day, however unending rain is the culprit. Massive flooding, mudslides, and bridge collapses are commonplace during such an event. Due to creeks, rivers, and water bypasses being used that may not have seen action for as long as 10 years or more. The Anderson Dam in San Jose and the mud flats landslide in Big Sur are two very good examples. Still, people take the warnings very seriously. (Link to an up to date report on the Mud Creek Slide at Big Sur)
  In contrast and something, I have never understood is Tsunami's, People on the West Coast ignore Tsunami warnings. I lived and worked in the California Desert for just over 3 years, it was blazing hot during the summers, 120 degrees was fairly commonplace. I was on a crew that worked outside, we have strict company rules to limit our exposure, so that was a minimal problem. For relief from the heat, we would on a couple of weekends each month head to the beaches of Southern California and 70-degree weather. Normally there would be 5-6 families, for them, it was a surfing trip, for some of us it was a let's pretend we're going surfing trip, (that would be me). During one such trip, the lifeguards drove down the beach, ("Cardiff by the Sea"), sounding the alarm of an impending tsunami which was offhandedly rejected by everyone on the beach, everyone. The beach at Cardiff is at the base of a cliff about 75 feet high if someone knows the exact height please leave it in the comments.
This is the Stairway from the beach to the Camp Grounds at
Cardiff by the Sea, north of San Diego
In the event a Tsunami was to take place escape would be impossible left to the last minute, it was a steep climb out on the state built stairways. The Tsunami did not occur, the consensus was that it never would because they never do, it's an automatic response. The Tsunami warning is issued and immediately scoffed at by the people on the beach, I don't know about the locals. So what is going on with that? Complacency to the point of not caring about issues of life and death? (I was one of those that did not leave the beach, I ignored the warning). All along the West Coast, it's the same story, Tsunami warning, and immediate dismissal, surely someone must take them seriously.
  There exist on the Big Island of Hawaii on a cliff overlooking the ocean, the cliff is huge stretching many miles along the beach and far inland. That cliff is threating to dislodge itself and plunge into the ocean. I watched a National Geographic documentary where the scientist stated if that cliff separates from the Island, it will cause a giant Tsunami, heading directly towards Los Angeles. That Tsunami could be as high as 100 feet slamming directly into that densely populated City and all of it's sub-burbs placing millions of lives at risk. When will it fall? That is unknown, but the intensity is not, I fear the Mayor of L.A. has his work cut out for himself if evacuation is ordered. I question how many people will ignore it, the event may take place and it may not, so far it has defied prediction. Millions upon Millions of people heading North on I-5 and 101 may be as bad as the Tsunami, the thought is staggering.
  In the South Pacific lies Easter Island, it also has a huge cliff threatening to dislodge causing a huge Tsunami which will head straight for the West Coast of South America. In the chance that event occurs, how likely is it the Tsunami warning will be taken seriously there as well? I don't know the answer to that either, again the wave could be as high as 100 feet, placing millions of people on the West Coast of South America in danger as well.
  I recall a quote Danial Boone is credited with when asked if he had ever found himself to be lost in the wilderness, his answer "Not lost, but I have been bewildered on occasion", that describes my thoughts on Tsunami alerts. The potential of destruction and loss of life is incredibly high, and we, myself included, ignore the warnings. Even warnings of "The Big One" in California are taken seriously, but not Tsunamis, what is the deal with that? Some Tsunamis have been experienced in recent times, they were predicted. Causing damage mostly to Marinas in coves and bays with an inlet to the ocean, Santa Cruz experienced one such event a few years ago, destroying docks, infrastructure, and some damage to boats.
  What could be the reasons for our complacency? Offhand it is easy to suspect it may be a case of the "Little Boy who cried Wolf", predicting them when nothing took place, in other words, blame the people trying to save our lives. Perhaps it's due to us not experiencing a large Tsunami in recent times, or paying no attention to the geological history of the entire West Coast from Alaska to the tip of South America. I wonder if it may be due to the fact most people do not live on the Coast, a Tsunami would not affect the vast majority of United States citizens, causing interest level to be low as well as an attitude of "it won't affect me so I don't worry about it". As a comparison, we on the West Coast don't weigh Tornadoes or Hurricanes as highly as those areas susceptible to them, but the number of affected people has been higher because those events actually took place, so much so they are commonplace. (Follow this Link to the Tsunami Center of the U.S.)
  I am not a Geologist, I know almost nothing about rocks other than they are hard, in Hawaii, they are under the threat of boulders weighing one ton being shot into the air 25 miles, a warning will be issued to watch for falling debris, and ash. That warning is taken seriously as well, who wants to be crowned with a rock weighing in at 1 ton falling at 250 miles per hour from 25 miles high? It could be hundreds if not thousands of chunks blown out or the crater into the sky, how high could a 10-pound rock be shot, 50 miles high? I cannot figure out a way to avoid being struck if the material is shot out of the red-hot caldron, even if a person saw it coming by the time the words "I wonder what that is", can be uttered it's too late to get out of the way.
25 miles high. 
  What in the world is happening with Tsunami warnings, I can't figure it out, its as if we make a conscious effort to ignore them, is it insanity? You tell me what your thoughts are in the comments because clearly I'm bewildered.
  Thank you for reading and sharing, this is a serious subject one of which deserves a bit of thought by all of us to evaluate our own ideas of what a Tsunami warning conjures up in the mind of a collective body of people. Normally at least one person will take advantage of the advice, or warnings of a person in one of our protective services, but not when it comes to Tsunamis, how strange is that? Thanks again for reading, tell me what you think.