Friday, February 16, 2018

Another School Mass Murder, repealing the Dickie Amendment would help, have you heard of it? Read about it here.

 This blog is a comment on the latest mass murder in Broward County Florida. I am an advocate for repealing the Dickie Amendment,(Link)  passed bi-partisan in 1996 during the Clinton Administration. I don't care who passed it, I know why, (I won't comment on that), The purpose of the Amendment is to not allow Congress to pass any bill allocating funds to research gun violence in the United States. That's right, our Congress refuses to repeal the Dickie Amendment how in the world can mass murders be stopped if we don't understand why they occur? Pray for those 17 kids that were murdered, Blessed is he who helps himself, we need to help ourselves, write to your representatives, it's not a partisan issue. I have written a blog on it, and I have decided to post it again. It is not an attack on gun rights, the Constitution, or Civil Liberties, it is common sense for a Government to investigate a growing epidemic of violence of any kind in the country. The main duty of our Government is to protect our country from all threats foreign and domestic. (I have sworn to it, and it's a very real oath to me and many other Veterans.) This is a very real Domestic threat, to all of us as well as to our Democracy.

1996, during the Bill Clinton presidency a rider was inserted in the 1996 federal omnibus spending
Congress, what can possibly be going on here? Over 500 people combined in the house and senate, a lot of different
personalities to administer to. 
bill which stated, " None of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control." The amendment was authored by House of Representatives member Jay Dickie, (he has since expressed remorse for doing so.) It was lobbied extensively by the gun manufacturer's lobbyist, their perceived bias related to a 1993 study by Arthur Kellermann finding guns in the home were related to an increased risk of murders in the home. Read about the author of the amendment, click here.
  The amendment has been interpreted to mean that no federal funds are to be used to study gun violence in the United States. Others see it as dictating a complete ban on research pertaining to firearms. On the other end of the spectrum, there are some who see it as an assault on the Second Amendment. The amendment was passed bi-partisan and has been up for renewal with each omnibus bill passage, challenged but not lifted.

Our Democracy is in this document.
I support the 2nd amendment, as well as the entire constitution, I will not get political about it, I don't see the Dickie amendment as a political issue on my level. It defy's common sense to have out of control murders in this country with no way to study them in order to correct it. If Universities and think tanks were able to receive funding to investigate inner-city gun violence uninterrupted since the 1990's we may not have this level of murders. In fact, in a 2012 op-ed (with Mark Rosenberg the former director the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control), Jay Dickie said he regrets his role in stopping the CDC from researching gun violence. In December 2015 efforts by Congress attempted to have the Dickie amendment removed from the Omnibus bill, the attempt failed. It was voted on and approved bi-partisan by our elected representatives, I accept it, that's the way our democracy works. With the Dickie amendment in place, we will never have any domestic violence facts to rely on.
  As long as the amendment stands, Congress will not look at anything related to gun enforcement because "not enough research" has been conducted, research blocked by Congress. A real-life government controlled "Catch 22". I want to re-emphasize it is approved by both political parties, bi-partisan. Click here to read an article on the Dickie amendment.
  The amendment needs to be repealed, the murders happening are a direct threat to our Democracy and our collective well being. There is nothing about investigating murders that would impact the 2nd amendment, if the studies are done responsibly, with discovering domestic violence facts as the number one top priority, the amendment can be abandoned. I have two guns, a 22 caliber and a 12 gauge shotgun, I am not an enthusiast, I did hunt when I was younger I no longer do. I am not an advocate of gun control laws, I am an advocate of gathering as much information as possible to solve these problems. The majority of gun owners are extremely responsible and safety minded, almost all (I suspect as with every other social issue, less than 1% cause 99% of the problems of any organization), would never use their firearms against another human being except under extreme situations.
  So what's the problem? The Dickie amendment needs to be repealed or rewritten to allow studies to be made, that's it, study the problem of national murder out of control. Find out what's causing it, I suspect it's due to some things most of us can't imagine, (I can guess but it doesn't mean a thing). The murders have reached the level of being an actual "survival event" for many people living in high homicide areas, many afraid to leave their homes. When we hear about a 3-year-old in a stroller being hit by "stray gunfire", we are in a desperate situation that living in darkness will not remedy.
The American spirit was once of one to tackle problems and solve them,
the Dickie amendment stifles our efforts.
  What can we do to get this amendment repealed? We can write to our representatives and senators, there are petitions online as well as pre-written letters available, however, I prefer to write original letters. Why repeal it? To enable us to have a better idea of what is happening to cause our murder epidemic, not to restrict gun ownership or to create controls. Gather domestic violence facts and we will find out what the heck is causing all of this.
  Do you agree, disagree? Let me know, I don't see a thing wrong with investigations and studies when done correctly. Leave a comment or suggestion. Thanks for reading.


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