Monday, June 12, 2017

What would you do if you were the last person on earth? A few thoughts I've had about it, read this and see what I mean...

  I read a news article this morning in the lifestyle section of the local newspaper, I honestly didn't
I just don't see anyone else, all those people and it's down to
One, Me.
pay much attention to what I read. I forgot what the writer's point by point was, but it doesn't matter, I liked the headline. "What it's like to not eat fast food." The headline got me to remembering a mind exercise I did over a period of a few months. Please realize, I have time to do this, the mind exercise was brought on by the TV program "The Last Man on Earth." Have you ever given thought to that? I don't think it will ever happen, I don't know how it could happen however it was kind of fun going through it mentally.
   I came up with a few very important but fundamental questions
1) Where is the best place to live? Coast, mountains, inland valley or somewhere else.
2) Water, what would I do about water?
3) Electricity, hmm tough one
4) Meat preservation, another tough one. (The more thought I put into it the tougher the answers were.
5) Transportation, horse and wagon? Run around and hoard all the fuel I can find?
6) On the first day what would I do? Run around town gathering supplies?
Maybe move into the Castle, if there's no people left would
there still be ghost?
The list actually grows, every time I thought of a solution I would think of a reason it would not work, causing me to come up with another solution. In answer of where to live, I think on the central California coast around San Simeon would be a good place. It has a mild climate, good elevation in the case of storms, gentle sloping hills with no cliffs that could collapse. Lots of grazing area for the thousands of head of cattle that are there. With the choice of a location is the availability of water, primary concern so the location of a spring or fresh water stream on the living site needs to be established. I assume being that last person on earth I would have a choice of houses. I would like a spot on a hill overlooking the nearest road, just in case I'm not really alone. It gets complicated, just the location is tough when the idea of being alone is omni-present. At the end I thought I would just stay where I am until about October (the rainy season) I live on an island in a flood zone. So getting out of Dodge is important, I live downstream from dams, double whammy they will fail after a while with no maintenance.
    Electricity, I see it as a huge hassle, move into a solar house? Hijack a wind turbine generator and wire to the house? (Another location change, windmills aren't everywhere). In the end I would do without electricity, a bigger hassle than having it maybe. So no electricity which means no refrigeration.
    Preserving meat, would it be worth while to butcher a steer? 900 pounds of beef for one person, it's a lot. I eat 3 pounds of beef a year for health reasons. My doctor told me everyone in the world can eat beef, you can't, so I don't eat very much. A 900 stack of meat is a lot of beef jerky. So large animals would be out of the question, creating more work than they are worth. Chickens, turkeys, quail and other small game would be the answer. There's plenty of farms anywhere in California so vegetable for the first year would be fairly simple to scavenge, it's the second year that would be critical.
   Transportation, the question to ask is "Where will you be going?" So a truck, diesel, with extra fuel tanks would be the answer. A supply of fuel would have to be found, diesel will "spoil" so the vehicle would be of no use after about 1 year and I'm being generous. So first year a truck, second and every year after horse and wagon or walk.
Steam may just be the ticket, OK now how about tires.
   What to do the first day? Gather every 12 gauge shotgun shell I could possibly find, bird shot for small game. A 22 long rifle and a ton of ammunition. I would gather all of the clothes I could find, dry goods coffee lots of coffee, flour, sugar (really?) salt and noodles. So much stuff makes our lives enjoyable, indeed livable.
   It's an expanding mind journey, there is so much involved in our lives. It would be a complete and total revamp of every thing I had ever thought to be true about life. It would be an enormous amount of work, everything would have to be done by one person ME, or in your case YOU.
   I like thinking about things like that, if you give it a little time maybe you will agree it's something that sounds exciting and possibly fun, but I'm sure it would be a very trying ordeal at best.
   Thanks for reading the blog, I hope I took your mind off the every day trials and tribulations of modern day life. Leave a comment or idea, let me know your thoughts on this. I suspect at one time or another most people stuck in traffic 45 minutes from the city think "Dang it I wish I was the only person on Earth." Yep traffic would flow a lot better, but that's about it, it may be OK until I want a pizza or a Big Mac.

Thanks for reading jimandkate  

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