Friday, June 16, 2017

The trinity Love/Hate/Indifference which is which? How are they related to our survival....

  The opposite of love is not hate, the opposite of hate is not love. They are both more emotional than logical..
   Love is a feeling of warm personnel attachment and deep affection., caring deeply about another person, a spouse, child or parent for example.
   Hate is a feeling of total dislike, passionately against, we hate the enemy, we hate the rain we mostly hate objects.
They are almost the same emotion.
   How does this make a difference when they are referenced in the same sentence or paragraph? How could it possibly relate to a disaster preparation blog? In a word, the opposite of love and hate is indifference.
   The total idea of avoidance, not caring, uninterested in a person or articles well being. Indifference can be directed towards any person, object or situation, it rears it's head in neglecting situations. It's a lack of caring, if a person is unconcerned about their own well being how in the world could they ever be concerned about anything else? An example could be made with disaster preparedness, most people suspect at some point something is going to happen in their lives. The something I'm talking about is a natural or man made event that directs your activities in a direction you would not normally take. Human nature (optimism) is to feel "everything will work out", is most of the time true, if it wasn't we would not have existed for these past couple of million years. If indifference was the dominating moral guidepost, we would not have survived as a species for very long. A lot of people feel that having a 72 hour emergency kit set up and ready to use is a great idea, they fail to act, indifference in motion perhaps. A lot of times it is economic as well, this obstacle can be overcome, indifference can't.
GI's in third world country's, see love, hate and indifference
every day, we tried to make it better.
It ends up most people do care about other people, we have great compassion for people in situations we can identify with such as flooding or wildfire. Most of the time disasters are a distance from where we reside, sometimes very close, but always the severity is reflected in the count of the number of people affected. If we each prepare for these unknown events in the form of having enough water and other survival stuff close enough to grab and run we would be far ahead of the field. Conversely if we prepare to the point of being in a position of helping other people that did not prepare for themselves, I believe truly it makes us better people. Love or Hate? They don't fit into the picture, what does is indifference, if we are indifferent we just pay no attention. In other words it's the "I got mine the heck with you attitude."
   In antiquity one of the worst punishments that could be doled out was banishment, it was certain death in most cases, the peak of indifference, the tribe or group decided as a whole they just did not care. Why would it be certain death? We need other people for so many reasons, even if a person is not real good in social situations, we still need human interaction. During an evacuation event or a disaster, really any situation that demands it our compassion takes over, until we get "fed up". At that point we give up on the person, object or animal and take action of some sort, banishment in this case.
The opposite of Indifference. 
   I've been thinking about indifference since I wrote the blog on being the last person on earth, how long could we live without human companionship? Could one person survive alone for say 10 to 40 years? I don't have an answer for that, how many people have lived in that situation? I've heard of WWII soldiers on pacific islands that survived for 20 years, I don't have any details on it. What about people that live in a remote area of the arctic circle? Living alone in a cabin, with a bunch of snow for half of the year would be a trial indeed.
    I have no answers, I do have a bunch of questions, the trinity Love/Hate/Indifference each has a place in our lives. I don't know if we can control these in our minds when we feign any one of them it appears as insincerity, and it is in fact.
   This is interesting to me, what do you think? Comment on your thoughts, thanks for reading the blog.


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