Saturday, June 24, 2017

Are we crazy or or prepared? Here's two things we can do to prepare for a natural disaster

  Portland Oregon conducted a survey on Emergency Preparedness, the objective was to determine to what extent people in that area were prepared for a natural disaster. People in the Pacific Northwest are aware that a disaster may occur at any moment, (Mount Saint Helen's comes to mind)
It's a beautiful mountain, Mount Saint Helen's. 
the area is prone to earthquakes. 75% of the residents believe a natural disaster will occur within the next 10 years, However awareness is not enough to convince people to prepare. Only about 1/2 of the population have put together some sort of an emergency kit, they are as prepared as other parts of the country. The people of Portland are under the belief that knowing their neighbors well is the first step in being prepared for a disaster, unfortunately very few have developed a plan with each other. The survey results also included a question pertaining to who they would rely on after the event took place, who do they expect to be available to help them? Almost 40% replied they would expect emergency responders, 65% are of the mind their house mates will be there for them, of course we rely on family and friends as well 60% and neighbors 40% expect them to be a source of help. For a good article by FEMA about basic preparations click here.
  I have to wonder if people over estimate how prepared they are for an event such as a major earthquake, I believe most of us are optimistic almost to a fault. The survey found 50% felt they were prepared with a kit and a plan to deal with the after math of an evacuation. What about the other 50%? As we know some will never prepare and others will do a few things, perhaps get started and never finish. Some just don't worry about things like that, it's all normal human nature.
Pack your own evacuation kit or purchase a pre-packaged one
either way you'll be prepared.
The question I have is how in the world can people be inspired to move from being "aware" to actually being ready, having an evacuation kit set up to go. I think part of the challenge is that about twice a year the local news outlets get on a "big one" bend. Announcing over the air and many times in the newspaper (I still read them) a regular campaign to make us aware of the possibilities an earthquake may occur. They mean well but all they are accomplishing is to raise peoples awareness, I think we are all aware an earthquake is going to drop California into the wide Pacific. How do we move it to prepared? Have you ever noticed how most movements that gain traction seem to be backed by a local, state or federal government agency?  Earthquake preparedness from the California department of public health has a good web site click here.
  Maybe part of the challenge is one image people have of the emergency preparedness industry, I read a blog where the writer made the statement "are preppers crazy?. I left a comment, in it I stated that the preppers, now I'm talking about the people planning on retreating to a bunker and establishing what is essentially a military "beach head". The people aren't crazy but some of their motivations may sound like it to those people not familiar with that lifestyle. I can understand it can sound scary as all get out. To answer that challenge, I stress being ready for the short term first,
Go from awareness to preparedness. 
prepare for 3 days, it will stretch into more.  Unless a person is planning to change their entire lifestyle to accommodate the totally committed prepper lifestyle, I suggest we prepare for the first 3-5 days. To prepare the way I believe is a quick way to reach a nominal level of preparedness. The two goals to reach for and complete are 1) Make a plan, everyone you expect to be affected by the occurrence needs to have a voice in the planning. 2) Purchase a pre-packaged emergency kit, they are available in many different arraignments, many are able to do double and triple duty. Once we achieve that level of preparedness, our awareness is raised and the preps become part of our life style. We're not nut's, we're just ready.
  Thanks for reading, leave a comment or suggestion.

jimandkate  must have survival gear

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