Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Chimps, Bees, Alligators, Buffalo and Wolves, which mating rituals end in death I know you'll be surprised

Why do some wild animals fighting each other result in death and other animal mating fights do not?
When animals of the same species fight each other which they normally do during the mating
This is more common than we would like to believe, inadvertently
causing harm, death in some cases. 
season it most of the time is in the form of ritual or threatening actions. Puffing and beating on the chest, making loud noises, tossing things around and charging towards the opponent are common. As is the case with antlered animals it is more of a case of "antler rattling", common reproductive behavior in
animals is to do little harm in some cases not so much. Size, if one is bigger than the other then the smaller animal realizes he could be seriously injured so many times they will concede. However the bigger opponent realizes that no matter the size of the challenger serious injury is possible, a larger animal will not back down exerting just enough strength to encourage the smaller animal to retreat. In this case chest beating, howling and stomping may be enough to encourage a concession. Which animals will and won't fight to the death? Here are 5 that may or may not surprise you.
  Chimpanzee's, we all like to watch monkey's, after all we have a number of similar body parts, and we are proportioned almost the same. The old saying "the same but different." comes into play here. January of this year a chimpanzee was murdered, by his own followers, badly beaten and partially cannibalized. It happened in Sengeal, the group has been under observation since 2005, the leader Foudouko was the alpha male. He fell from power in 2007 and lived on the outer boundaries of the colony, then suddenly returned in 2013, and was killed by his followers. The paper suggested that due to the population having considerably more males than females, the older chimp may have been killed while trying to mate with a female, the younger ones didn't like that apparently. This was a very brutal murder, the only one the researchers observed in the time the troop was under
Yep these little gentle creatures, extremely strong and extremely
possessive, it's not a very good combination
observation, it does happen, how often is unknown, Animal murders are extremely rare in the wild.
  One of the largest species of Bee's, the Dawson's bees kill each other in mass during the quest to mate with females. They enter an intense battle scene, it reminds me of the description we hear of the grand armies during the day's of the huge roaming hoards of conquerors. By the time the fighting is over every single Dawson's Bee male is either killed or dead by another means. Some females do get killed as well, not nearly as many as females however. Dawson Bee's reside in the Australian out back, burrowing deep beneath the sun baked earth, the males emerge from the tunnels prior to the females. The males wait for the females to emerge then, 90% of the females are inseminated before the grand finale. The cause? The smell of the females enrages the males then the fighting begins and ends. Females 30,000 males 0, the beat goes on.
  Wolves leave their home packs when they mature, there is room for three male Wolfe's in a pack, each one has an important role in that society. The Alpha is the leader and does all of the mating with the largest female, the Alpha is not always the largest, but he is always the toughest. Beta's are the second in command, quite often challenging the Alpha for mating rights. The Omega is the pack's scapegoat, dominated by the Alpha and not allowed to breed and is kept from feeding until the entire pack has had their fill. The wolf mating ritual is rather civilized, as with humans the new male is introduced to the Alpha male by his daughter, after all he is the father of everyone in the pack, if the
More civil than humans? It sure looks like it. In 1985 a friend
and I saw a timber wolf in the Sierra Nevada's, yep in
California, they are listed as non-existent in this state, they
Alpha takes exception to him he may run the young wolf off. When the stray wolf first finds a female, sometimes after a year or more of wandering, they stand shoulder to shoulder, fur up on end, tails straight out and wagging, the ears perked up at attention, The young female and male then begin to sniff each other, just like domestic canines do, they then begin to romp around playing. With the greeting out of the way courtship begins, that is the point the female takes the male to meet the Alpha. They never have been known to hurt each other critically, wolves number among the animals that do no harm to each other during mating rituals. Wolves 10 Civilized reasoning 10, It's a tie! I knew wolves were OK, they sure are a lot more civil than the chimps.
  The Great American Bison, hunted by the North American Wolf, the herds in the past numbered in the millions, some times stretching over several states in the prairie during their migration. The Native Americans called the buffalo mating season the "running season", during this time the herd becomes a complete mess of agitation, excitement and energetic activities. The rut is on, with the bulls spending most of their time chasing females, the other half of the time they spend fighting each other, however the challenges and answering (fighting), after the initial head butting and colliding the main event last a few seconds. The bull lowers his head, kicks at the dirt raising a huge cloud,
Beautiful majestic animal, our American Icon. I had a Labrador
retriever at Lake Itasca, Mississippi headwaters, that was launched
it looked like 40 feet into the air due to his badgering a big bull.
bellows loudly enough to be heard several miles away, glaring all the while with half white eyes, at times the bulls all join together to bellow loudly which sounds like distant thunder heard miles away. The battles between the bulls at this time are very impressive and always harmless, everyone walks away, or in the case of those on the losing end merely sloughs away at a run. Another breed that does no harm during mating rituals, buffalo 10 civilized society 10 another tie.
  Alligators, I am not fearful of a lot things, cautious yes, fearful not so much. When it comes to Alligators and Crocodiles not only do I not know much about them, they scare me to death even from the TV. Salt Water Crocs are the stuff that nightmares are made of, even stepping foot on the Australian continent would put me on guard. I'm not a fan of modern day dinosaurs, today I don't have to kiss or pet one, I'm merely in investigating in whether or not their mating rituals are fatal. I've always said if re-incarnation is fact I want to come back as an alligator and be among the 99% that don't make it to the water right out of the egg. The mating season is from the middle of April Until June 31st, This is the time period most calls for nuisance alligators are made, and upon capture re-introduced in another location away from civilization. They are commonly around 10 feet long at most, some grow to 12 feet it's rare, fewer still make it over that length, they are considered full grown at 7 feet. It takes 8-12 years to grow to their maximum lengths. 1/3 of their nest are destroyed by predators 32-46 eggs is normal, hatching in 65-68 days. Alligators stop feeding when the ambient temperature is below 70F and goes into hibernation at below 55F.
I'm pretty sure this is a big one, he can go ahead and keep
the ball, and the cart, and the clubs oh heck, I'm leaving.
Alligators have a unique mating ritual, which is a tourist attraction in Florida. The males are show off's, advertising their availability and complete dedication to mating these guy's are pretty impressive. They begin by finding an eligible female, they then slap their head on the water surface, bellowing, jaw snapping and vibrating their torsos making the water around them come alive in ripples. The deep bellowing is heard throughout the alligators realm, the females join them with a bellow that sounds more like a low decibel growl than a feminine answer of any sort. Another ritual the male participates in is an elevation of the body above the water line, they do this to appear larger than life, sometimes being in this pose for half an hour, it's all about showing off the massive head. The loud bellow and head slapping are a social communication habit of the adult alligators, once it begins the entire community often joins in with head slapping, bellowing it being as if they created a 'gator chorus. It is not unusual to see the male surrounded by 3-4 females during courtship, other species swim away unimpressed. They then mate, that's it, no fighting, no biting or scratching or eating of the opponent. They take the grand prize for being civil, so far the two most violent animals I have studied are the most civilized, ain't that amazing.
  Thanks for reading, easily relative to our quest to be as self reliant as we can possibly be, "When we study the animals, we learn more about ourselves."
Leave a comment, if you have knowledge of Alligators or Crocodiles tell me stuff I don't know about them, which is a lot. Thanks



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