Thursday, August 24, 2017

5 uplifting news stories have violated the perimeter it tells me the world is really alright, will you agree?

I like many people look around and see the threat of war, violence in the streets, politics going completely nuts, it appears the entire place is about to go up in smoke. Endless gossip on social media, people being outrageously outraged, mosquito's carrying deadly diseases that if they don't get us the weed killer we're using will. Are things really that bad? According to Psychology Professor Steve Pinker of Harvard, we are actually in the peaceful times since the beginning of the human
species. I agree with him, and to prove it here are 5 good things that have happened in this world during the year of 2017 (so far):

  1) 19 year old Army soldier Keaton Tilson stationed at Fort Hood did not gain approval for travel over the memorial day weekend until the last minute. Most people who served in the military know how that goes, it's just part of serving, in the Navy, they are called "Chits", I am unfamiliar with how the Army refers to them. The young GI, unknown to all but himself, had been trying to fly "standby" for two days, he hadn't been home since Christmas. A fellow traveler noticed Keaton Tilson and approached him, offering to trade tickets with him so the GI could be re-united with his family for the holiday. The switch was not possible due to the soldier being the only person flying standby, Not to be denied the civilian Josh Rainer purchased a ticket to Illinois and gave it to Keaton Tilson. This was one of the busiest memorial holiday seasons since 2005, nearly 40 million people in the US were traveling 50 miles or more from home. The young GI asked Rainer for a hug, "I think we both had to fight back the tears after that," the compassionate traveler told the local news station. This makes me feel better already.

  2)  Women are most attracted to men who eat fruits and vegetables, fat, meat, egg and tofu create a carbohydrate filled diet related to a more intense unpleasant smell. It's been known for a long while that odors are instrumental in attracting the female gender. Just take a look at the number of
Lots of fruit and vegetables from now on for me!
fragrances available at every retail outlet on the planet. It makes me wonder why after having this information in our pocket now, why doesn't Ranch Style "cologne knock em dead?" Scientist used a spectrophotometer in the first of two tests to measure the effects of a person diet by flashing a light on their person, how much carotenoid-rich the skin is. It was discovered the more yellow the skin was, the more attractive the male was found to be, hmm. The second test was a "Tee" shirt test, after a workout, a few ladies whiffed the shirts to determine who smelled the best, again the fruit and vegetable eaters were the undisputed winners. I remember a sailor on our ship who ate only carrots for weeks, his skin turned yellowish. The Chief sent him to sick bay, they ordered him to start eating a more diverse diet, I guess they didn't smell him. (But then we were all men) This illustrates just how diverse our interest and areas of study are, I thought beer and pizza were attractive, boy am I wrong.

  3)  Scientists have reported a breakthrough in the treatment of peanut allergies suffered by many people, notably children. The discovery in 2013 (the end of the experiment) makes a total cure being found a real possibility. The research was begun when a number of children at Melbourne's Murdoch Children's Research Institute were given a probiotic that contained small doses of protein from peanuts, it was administered over an 18 month period. The experiment concluded with 80% of the children tested were able to eat peanuts with no effects. Four years later, 70% were still able to eat peanuts without a reaction to them. Peanuts are among the most common foods people are allergic to, it affects 1 in 20 children and 2 in 100 adults. Seafood, cow's milk, and eggs being other top allergy causing foods. To all the parents in a constant state of worry, while their youngsters are away and may be exposed to peanuts, help may be on its way. I like peanuts, all nuts really, why are unsalted nuts tasty and good to eat, but unsalted peanut butter is from my perspective un-eatable. The cavalry is on the way, they are wearing lab coats.
Looking for my next gig, this is fun!

  4)  The "mower gang" in Detroit mows the local parks for free, with the intent of giving the kids of Detroit safe clean places to play. Tom Nardone told the local news station "It gives me a good feeling", now, however, he has another problem. He has what he describes as an "Awesome Snow Blower," all of his neighbors do too, it takes him 5 minutes to clear his drive and walk. It also takes his elderly neighbors 5 minutes to do theirs, they all do their own, he's looking for elderly residents to help out with their snow clearing. Tom Nardone, a good man with a good cause and no one to help, I guess we've all become "self-reliant", if you are in Detroit and would like your snow cleared Tom's face-book page is accepting the names of people desiring assistance.

  5)  The State of Nevada has made it illegal to drive too slow in the left lane of the highway, yes a minimum speed limit in the fast lane. The Highway Patrol has found that slow drivers in the fast lane are the number one cause of "road rage". To address this problem the first offense will get the offender a $50.00 fine, the second $100.00 and the third will draw $250.00. A decline in accidents is expected because drivers will no longer have to pass slow drivers on the left side, merging into traffic traveling much slower. A law that makes sense, try and figure that out, so the third offense will cost about the same as a day at the "blackjack" table, if I'm on my way home I call that "gas money".
We've all been here at one time or another.
Many "good" things happen every day all over the world, in these turbulent times to pay attention to positive things happening lifts up my spirit. Being an eternal optimist as most people are we look for situations that enlighten us towards the good in life. The funny thing is we don't have to look very far to find it, we don't have to look far to find whatever we want, good or bad. Talking to my dad many years ago about WW2, he said "I only remember the good times", he then added, "the problem is, it includes the bad times". The trick is realizing the past is gone, it can't be changed, we learn from it and move on. The same with the times we are in, they will pass, we will laugh about it while shaking our heads, and return to doing "one positive thing every day", our motto, at the end of the year we have accomplished 365 positive steps 730 combined between us.
  Thanks for reading, I am hoping this blog lifted the fog at least a little bit. I recall when I cut way back on eating beef, like I quit entirely, after about a month I felt the fog lift out of my brain, it feels the same when "good" news invades my thinking. Leave a comment and share, I like to hear from you.



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