Thursday, July 6, 2017

Quitting caffeine heaven forbid, it felt like I was going to die, read on

  I am a coffee drinker, as I found out the past few weeks I am addicted to caffeine. See more here.
Out of the goodness of her heart, my wife nearly killed me. 
It was a strange road "we" headed down (my wife and I), I originally went to see my doctor due to irregular heart beat and a few other issues. I have a number of chronic diseases, all of which are now being maintained after dealing with them for many years. My doctor performed all of the checks heart patients go through, in my case 1-2 times a year and it always seems to be in June. I have prescription medication galore, 9 total, and several more over the counter plus I receive an IV once a month to help control my Serious Rheumatoid Arthritis. RA, is an all encompassing disease, it affects every part of your body including eyesight and endurance. I'm able to work at something for no more than 2 hours a day, after which I am exhausted. It's an auto immune disease, which means it depletes the immune system wrecking havoc on bones, muscles internal organs. The disease is one that demands self reliance in dealing with the pain, the disability and monitoring medication, it truly is a survival skill, what follows is even more so.
  My doctor's opinion was that my heart skipping around in my chest accounted for less than 1% of my total heart beat, they discovered it due to my wearing a monitor for 24 hours. As is the case after one of these "episodes" I have to take it easy for a few days, it's the way of things. The next morning
I found that out about a week ago. 
my wife (whom I love without question), decided this is the day I need to start quitting caffeine in my coffee, without telling me. I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day, I put Swiss Miss Chocolate in my coffee, increasing the caffeine level. I have been drinking coffee since I left home in 1969 for the Navy, I don't remember not having coffee in the morning, it's important to me. I drink water, coffee and a little bit of lemonade, that's it, no alcohol, soft drinks or milk, I drink a lot of water. The first morning on de-caf was strange, I was so completely exhausted it was extremely difficult for me to walk from a chair to my wheel chair, I did not know what was going on. This went on for several days, I did not make the connections between fatigue and de-caf, I had no idea my coffee was de-caf. Then one morning the room tilted on end and I began to see double, back to the ER I went, still no idea what was happening, this doctor told me I now have vertigo, OK that's fine with me. I have learned with chronic illness there are many ways to diagnose it, RA has the same treatment as Lupus, I also have lupus. When I go to see the doctor it's not unusual for me to be diagnosed with another disease. We left the ER and returned home, again I was going to take it easy for a few days. Well that wasn't to happen, with an auto immune disease a shock to the system means a flare up, this was no exception. I went into serious withdrawal, just like with a major drug addiction, shakes, illness, my entire body hurt, everything was compromised, July 4th I spent in bed all day. Meanwhile my wife is on the phone to the doctor, she suspects and correctly so, the lack of caffeine caused it. Under the direction of the doctor I drank two cups of caffeinated coffee, it helped a little, the head ache went away but I've been sick for 3 days. My wife did tell me what she did, she meant well, I asked her not to experiment with my health any more. Chronically ill  people keep a close watch on their bodies, I know everything that goes in mine, what it does and what will happen if I stop it suddenly, I did not know I was quitting caffeine.
Grab a cup the de-caf is ready!
  I have some prescription medications that I must be "weaned" off of after many years of use, if I cold turkey I could have a heart attack, stroke or worse. The spirit of this blog is again to raise awareness in care givers who by nature are very giving people, I hope this reaches at least one who will realize changing any meds could be tragic. There are many herbs and healing plants I can not use as well, in my doctor told me to never use any due to my conditions. Other people may be served well by using different herbs, not me. It's an unusual twist on the subject of "self reliance" and "emergency preparedness", but meds, chronically ill people and prescription drugs are a very real part of survival.
  Thanks for reading, leave a comment and tell me your experiences.


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