Friday, July 14, 2017

Dealing with a Utility shutoff during, here's three essential tasks to master,

 Dealing with a Utility shutoff doe's not have to be panic inducing, here are three skills that are essential to know prior to entering your home after an event forcing you and your family to vacate. These are by no means the only skills to learn, but they are three very important ones. In any event the first item to have on hand is an emergency preparedness kit containing supplies to satisfy you and your family for the first 72 hour period. has written a very good guide for shutting off utilities, click here.

Following are the three skills essential to learn:

  1)  Gas supply shutoff: Earthquakes, Floods, Wildfires and Wind storms cause a lot of damage in the world every year. They are able to shift the ground, collapse buildings and destroy infrastructure.
The only style of gas meter I've ever seen, the valve is
circled in the "open" position. 1/2 turn either direction
will turn it off.
Natural Gas piping can separate, break or leak becoming a real fire hazard which is a common result after and during an event. Learn exactly where your gas meter is located, it could be under your house, underground, on the side of your house or in a cabinet. You will need a 12" or larger adjustable wrench (crescent wrench), keep it in your kit or next to the valve. If you choose to store the wrench next to the valve you should use an open end wrench that fits the stem of the valve perfectly. Leaving the adjustable wrench in the weather will open it up to rusting, if it rust to the point of being nonadjustable it is useless. One way to store the wrench is to keep it in a zip lock bag, in your kit with a spray of WD40 in the sealed bad, that will keep it usable. If you do not smell natural gas or hear it leaking do not turn off the gas, leave it on. The shut off valve is located on the inlet side of the regulator, the flat often round steel assembly before the meter. The valve can be turned either direction, you can practice opening and closing it, turn the valve 1/4 turn and it is closed. To turn the gas back on turn it another 1/4 turn, perpendicular to the pipe it is off, parallel to the pipe it is open. Take caution when dealing with the gas meter after an event, faulty wiring or appliances may have been compromised during the storm causing it to energize the meter with electricity. Using meters to connect electrical grounds to is not allowed by utilities, the accidental introduction to the meter may cause a spark causing a fire or explosion. You may also get a jolt of current when you touch it, wear leather gloves.
Don't use any electrical devices until you are certain the gas is not leaking.
  Propane tanks where I live are now required to have an "automatic" shut off valve installed at the sale of every home whether new or used. Have your delivery person check that system out to make sure there is one installed and that it functions properly. Click here for FEMA's propane tank safety.

  2) Learn where your Water Shutoff valve is located, trying to find it during a pipe rupture is not the time for discovery. It is very important all house hold members know where the shutoff valve is,
Most water supply piping to the house looks a lot
like this, be certain to exercise that shut off valve.
and how to turn the water off. Prior to a catastrophic event find the shutoff valve, it will be located where the water pipe enters the home, it could be any where. Generally there are two valves, one is out by the road, mine is 3 feet deep in a covered box, this valve is extremely hard to close most of the time, it also requires the use of a special tool which may be worth purchasing. It does not have to be closed if there is not a leak between that valve and the house. The second valve is located where the pipe enters the house, they are designed to be operated by hand, be sure to exercise this valve regularly, if it is unable to be turned replace it. After the valve is located tag it, a medal, or plastic tag will work, show the family members where it is. Exercise the valve, open and close it several times if it is hard to operate or can not be operated have the valve repaired or replaced.

  3) Turn off the electric power, locate your electrical meter, outside, in the garage, basement or the side of the house, if you have electricity to your house you have a meter. If you have difficulty locating it your provider will send someone out to help you find it and tutor you to shut the power off. Do not arbitrarily walk up to the meter and "throw" the main breaker, 99 of 100 times it would work. However now you will be dealing with a completely unknown situation, with 480 volts entering the back of the box and following or during an outage precautions must be taken. If the power is out or on the procedure is the same, place each breaker switch into the "off" position first, they are each 110 volts some are dual they are 220 volts. The final step is to turn the main breaker off, your box is now secure when the power is resumed, have your utility company switch it back on unless you have absolute confidence it is safe to do. In the event the power is out for 3 days or longer definitely have your provider re-energize your home.
Your breaker box and meter most likely are similar to this
photo, this is the time for caution. 
Even if the event is short lived, and expected to last for a short while of several hours, be certain to turn all of your appliances off. The power sometimes cycles on and off or will come back on with more or less than 110 volts, it could cause damage to any equipment left on. 220 volt three phase can "single phase" causing failure of an expensive motor.
  These are three simple yet important tasks to perform after the event has run it's course, the gas and electric are capable of starting fires and explosions. Water flooding will make your life misery, rain is bad enough. Three basic tasks that are worthwhile to know and show your neighbors, after all we will all be in these disasters together.
  Thanks for reading, leave a comment or suggestion,


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