Monday, May 29, 2017

How much stuff do we need to survive an emergency event? Will you be ready to walk out of your neighborhood?

    I read a number of blogs on sites dealing with disaster survival, emergency preparedness and similar sites. A number of them have extensive lists of equipment, tools and food to use as reference when building an evacuation kit. Some lists have a lot of suggested items in them, I've read some suggesting a chain saw. Another had so much equipment I was wondering how in the world someone would be able to manage it all. I understand the reasoning behind the extensive lists, it is to deal with the fourth stage of a disaster event. That is the situation that has no end in site. Most of the planning for the fourth stage is establishing a safe environment after our entire system collapses.
Bad news on the horizon. 
    I prefer not to concentrate on that final type of disaster, mine is to help prepare people to survive that first 72 hour period. It is much like a shock and awe situation after a disaster first occurs. There are some basic items to have ready for an evacuation of your home, or if it is a utility outage that last's for a week or longer. I believe in planning for survival beginning with surviving the first three days. What would I need?
    It depends a lot on the type of disaster, wild fire, house fire, flood, tornado's, and any type that leaves your home destroyed forces us to leave. They are solid evacuation situations, where do we evacuate to? The answer to that will be in your survival plan which will be in your evacuation bag. I have long advised to have two bags, one small bag with enough supplies to get a person where they need to walk to. In my case I would have a 2 1/2 mile walk to the main road. I have a small kit with two liters of water, a flashlight, jacket and a few granola bars. I would have to walk the distance out, it would take me just over an hour at 20 minutes per mile. That would take me to a muster station for further evacuation somewhere, most likely a church, school or other gathering spot. A small bag with just enough to get a person to the evacuation spot is what my preparation consist of.
The flashlight should really fit in your pocket or
your kit bag.
    If it's a lose of utilities due to earthquake or another situation caused by an event some distance from your house, then we can stay home. It is a huge advantage, but still there are some items that will be needed. The advantage is with precautions your pantry and refrigerated food items can be used. Place a couple of gallon containers in your freezer filled with water to freeze. The gallon ice blocks will help preserve your food. The biggest concern as always is water, there will be some water left in the house piping and water heater, use it for non potable uses. It's really not difficult to keep an ample supply on hand. If you buy 5 gallon jugs of water for your water cooler that's a good solution. Cases of water bottles is another good way to go.
    Build a survival plan, sit down and think about the two or three scenarios you may face. Common sense mixed with reality will set you on a path for surviving the first three days. Maybe you prefer one pack, maybe your preference is to grab a bottle of water and go. We must also plan in the instance we have to get up and go with no time to take anything with us. The planning will still pay off, escaping with nothing but the clothes on your back will be part of the plan.
   Thanks for reading, I'd like your input, leave a comment, suggestion or story.
It always get's back to water for me, enough water you'll be
fine, not enough you'll be thirsty. 


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