Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Four levels of natural disaster preparedness, Six levels of awareness.

Reasons for an emergency evacuation, why, what, where to and when?

    When an unexpected emergency event takes place there are six steps of awareness. 1) Detection, what happened? Where did it happen? How am I affected? 2) Now what? After the detection and a determination of the extent and impact a decision must be made, stay, go, or somewhere in between? 3) Alarm, tell people alert everyone that may be impacted by the results of the occurrence. 4) Reaction, Panic? Deliberate decision making? Follow a pre-determined plan? 5) Movement, get going, leave, stay, be evacuated? Move to a safe place, an assembly station, a pre-determined muster area? Be evacuated by responders? 6) Transportation, the real evacuation. How to leave? The first four are referred to by many as "Pre-movement Time."
Red Cross safe center. 

There are also four stages of preparedness, four increasing levels. 1) Escape. Get the heck out of the affected area fast, generally due to impending disaster, wild fire, house fire, flood, hurricane any occurrence when immediate evacuation of the area is required. This is when your escape pack is used. 2) Stay and wait for relief. This is the phase for which your 72 hour survival pack is used. 3) Longer than 72 hours, we start to use our long term survival food, break out the water purifying equipment. Start to plan for a long term survival period. 4) It appears this is a permanent situation, this is what some are preparing for, total collapse of society.
    I am writing the next four blogs to delve into the details of each phase. Not so much the equipment and gear that should be stored in preparation of an event, but more in the area of what to expect and perhaps be able to predict in a sense of what is going on. Three concerns will be covered as well. All things water. Where we may have to walk and how far and lastly, immediate clothing upon discovery of the event. This includes what weather we should prepare to be in, when rationing food is prudent, awareness of what relatives and neighbors may or may not do and what their reactions may be.
    Each of the ten phases, the first six as the event unfolds, the second set of four involves confusion that may arise during the event. The second four phases will involve one step at a time, being determined by the people affected. It may just involve one person or an entire neighborhood or town. Decisions  may be made easier if awareness is arisen prior to an event. Some of the steps we should take involve making a plan and staying with it. Another is making sure we have plenty of water, and a third preparation for sustenance. There is a lot involved in being and staying prepared for an emergency that is on the precipice of changing our entire lives. They are life changing occurrences for sure. My intent will be to incite people to take preparedness seriously, and act on it. Click here for an article of what to do after an event.
Organization is a big part of being prepared, and safe. 

    I will, after the four blogs are written, embark on another writing adventure to incorporate all four into one publication for free distribution from our website. It is a much needed document, as a guide to answer the question "What's happening next?"
Thanks for reading, comment please, say what your want, ask a question.


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