Monday, April 10, 2017

Everyone complains about gravity but no one does anything about it! Here's four things we can do.

Sometimes the predictions of the weather are a little bit off, like today we were suppose to have a major rain and wind storm. The rain came, but not the wind, it's OK the wind is what does most of the damage here. Or is it the wind? It's like the trees and hillsides come alive after a long bout of wet weather. The trees start toppling and the hill's start moving, dams have problems (I refuse to say fail). The tides are high, the low tides are real low and the mosquito's are all they can be. The mountains and fields are a glorious green and the flowers are coming up all over the place. During the summer we will look at the brown and dried flowers and say, "man, there sure were a bunch of weeds that sprouted." Today's flowers are tomorrow's weeds, morning glory's are pretty in the city, not so much in a pasture. There is a cover for a dock that has blown apart near us, fences have been blown down, roofs compromised and of course trees down. There are three huge eucalyptus trees that collapsed and blocked off the road for a while, the owner has been cutting them up for three weeks.
All things fall at the same rate of speed. 
Everything that falls, topples or collapses have one main thing in common, the culprit, Gravity, life would be easier if we could turn it off and on. there isn't a thing we can do about changing it or ignoring it or doing anything with or about it. The only thing we can do is work with it, and make it our friend. Sinking ships are helpless when they are in the grasp, as is anything falling from a distance. During earthquakes, tornado's, floods and fires, gravity does it's work best, working in confusion and multiplying the problems. NASA has a view of gravity click here for an interesting write up.
We would be much worse off without gravity, I'm not sure what would happen if we had zero or reduced. I'm pretty sure we would be better off with more versus less, but either way it is the way it is.
The reason I am thinking and writing about it today is during an emergency situation gravity when anticipated can work with us, ignored it will work against us. I worked in elevated areas during my working life, we had safety meetings on gravity. I had dropped a pry bar one day from 75 feet above, it went through the deck grate, cleanly. Propelled by gravity it struck the asphalt below, it was an 18 inch pry bar and all that was exposed was 6 inches above the black tar.
        I know three men that died from falling from high places, I have fallen off ladders and platforms. Gravity, we take it for granted and rarely place it at the center of blame, often it is. What can we do?
1) Every fall is preventable, that's right, every single one. Before fall restraints some people tied ropes around their waist, others did nothing. At one time deaths from falling were a cost of doing business, some were expected, not any more. Wear a safety harness, fall protection, it will save you.
2) "It can't fall further than the floor." That axiom was drilled into us at safety meetings, if it's valuable, set it on the floor, it will be safe there. Not only will it not break, it won't fall and injure someone. So put it on the floor or deck, in a safe out of the way spot.
3) Drill a hole in the handle of a tool, run a cord through it and wrap it around your wrist, I do that when I'm working around water and if I had done it when the pry bar fell, it wouldn't have.
It'll still be here in the spring. 
4) Perform a "walk around" before and after a storm taking gravity into account, look for objects that could fall or fail. Trees, limbs, sides of ditches and canals. We are responsible for our Levee so we keep on eye on them as well. Look at boats in the water, look where the tractor is parked will it sink in mud? Hills and slopes can slide.
Well the gravity of the situation is (I just had to get that in) although a lot of incidences exasperated can be lessened by looking and inspecting situations while keeping Newton's nemesis in mind. Airplanes use gravity when they are crashing, we can as well.
Thanks for reading, I'd like to hear from you, your comments and suggestions, they are valuable to us.

Thanks for reading jimandkate

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