Thursday, September 6, 2018

All boaters, jet skiers, and any other water craft operators should be aware of this new law.

There is always something going on at the launch ramps.
It's been a relatively quiet summer on the California Delta due to the cool weather, wind, and the smoke-filled air which translates into there being few boaters on the water, and fewer accidents. There have been several, each one is a major trauma to the people who live through them.

I had a supervisor that was involved in a horrific accident when he was a young man, he was uninjured. Driving a large Cabin Cruiser he headed into a large open waterway, he was not going very fast, when his boat was hit broadside by a speedboat. The speeding boat went through his cruiser, one person died, both of the boats were destroyed beyond repair. He told me he was in his early twenty's and has never gone on another boat since then. His was a life-changing experience because prior to that the rivers were a major part of his life having been raised on the Delta.

I am writing this blog to open a discussion on the pending implication of the state requiring operators to earn a boating certificate. It's a drivers license for boating, and it will be phased in over several years beginning January 1st, 2018. Yes it has already begun so I am behind the eight ball a little bit, but pay no mind there is plenty to look at, let's get started.

There are 4 million boaters in the state of California many unaware of a drastic change in the boating laws. Beginning January 1st, 2018 all operators will be required to have in their possession while boating a "California Boaters Card". There is no need to panic immediately, it will be phased in over a several year period.

What is this Boaters Card? It is essentially a driver license for operating a recreational watercraft on the waterways in the State of California. Senate Bill 941 was signed into law on September 18, 2014, by Governor Jerry Brown. It is a mandate that requires operators to take a boaters safety course and pass a test. The first phase takes effect on January 1st, 2018 requiring all boaters under the age of 20 years to make up the first phase. All other boaters are required to be licensed in the year 2025, it is a slow methodical introduction. Up until now, Calfornia was just one of five states that did not require some sort of formal education and a qualifying test for issuance of a operators permit, it is past due. The U.S. Coast Guard accident records show that states requiring some form of waterway safety instruction have fewer deaths and accidents than those without the requirements.
A photo of a Calfornia Boater Card.

Boating accidents in this state are a major issue, during 2015 there were 369 accidents on the water, resulting in 48 deaths, one death is too many. The Coast Guard found most of the incidents involved boaters with no water safety education at all. This bill was passed with the intent to promote safe boating and raise awareness of the dangers on all of our waterways. The state legislature believes by making it mandatory and increasing the number of educated boaters will benefit all boaters by making the recreational activity safer. The goal is, of course, to eliminate all boating accidents on the water after all they believe as I do educated boaters are safer boaters.

Beginning this year the requirement will be implemented in eight phases, those under 20 years are first.

* January 1, 2018; All persons 20 years and younger

* January 1, 2019; Those 25 years of age and younger will be required.

*January 1, 2020; People 35 years old and under.

* January 1, 2021; Will include all people 40 years and younger.

* January 1, 2022; 45 years old and under.

* January 1, 2023; Boaters 50 years and younger

* January 1, 2024; Includes those 60 and younger

* January 1, 2025; will include everyone, even us spring chickens.

It appears to be a long process, but it's good this way mostly because the chances of me being required to have one is so far off in the future It may be moot at least in my case. There are exceptions to the law, below is a complete listing:

1) People who are residents of another state or foreign country and meets these requirements;
     * They are using the waterways for a period, not in excess of 60 days and meets the requirements of their state of residence.
      * It's a little different if a person is from another country, they can use the waterways not to exceed 90 days and meets what is consistent with the laws of their native residence.

2) When operating a watercraft under the direct supervision of a person in possession of a Boaters Operators Card pursuant to subdivision B of section 678 or one who is not required to have a Card as pointed out in paragraph 6.

3) When operating a vessel in a race, water ski race, or a regatta.

4) People operating rented watercraft.

5) A fisherman who is in possession of a current commercial fishing license.

6) If you are in possession of a valid marine operator license, for the waters upon which the holder is operating, and issued by the U.S. Coast Guard, or who has in their possession a valid certificate issued pursuant to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended.

7) A person that has completed successfully a boating course approved by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training.
As I read it, the law requires this guy to have one also.

So how do I go about getting a California Boater Card? There are two steps as listed below;

* We must complete a boating safety course approved by NASBLA and state approved by the California Division of Boating and Waterways, available online, in a classroom, or home study courses. An online course is available from, it will fulfill all of the California State requirements. Once the course is completed we may then move to the next step.

* Apply for the California Boater Card online, applications may be completed at (accessible through this Link.)

Of course, if we don't comply with the new law there will be penalties.

+ The first violation is a fine of no more than one hundred dollars, ($100.00)

+  A second conviction is a fine of no more than two hundred fifty dollars, ($250.00)

+ For a third and over the fine will be not over five hundred American greenbacks. ($500.00)

Follow this Link to learn more about this new law
(This Link has a detailed description of the regulations and boating laws of the state.)

That sums up the new California Boater Card law, this is by far not all we need to know about it, but there is plenty of information available online. Thanks for reading and sharing my blog, follow me on Facebook and visit my website at http:www//
Thanks again, and be safe on the water.


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