I watched a program this morning, it was dealing with "crop circles", I am very interested in them, I have read quite a bit about them as I have a lot of things. (Actually, I am interested in everything, hence this article) I have talked to a number of people about them as well, often I am asked something like "well do you believe in crop circles?" Aren't we all asked that question about a lot of different occurrences in our lives? Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Mothman, and the ever asked "do you believe in ghost?"
Thousands have been made, some are very elaborate, it is theorized
they are mathematical equations. |
I have a problem with the word "believe", what does it mean to believe in something? I believe in the 24 hour day, I believe ice is cold, I believe we need air to live, and you get the point. But what about the 10 million unexplained oddities in our world.
What constitutes a belief system? Most of us accept religion as a belief system, most have guidelines and rules, a governing body, officials and a guide in the form of a written manuscript. All of them are dependent on accepting teachings as the truth, and that is all good and fine, accept it or not, that's what it is based on, Faith. They are a very well defined belief system that many millions of people throughout the world accept and base their lives on, it doesn't need anyone's approval or justification, it's faith.
Link to more on "belief systems".
What about Big Foot, we called it the Abominable snowman, when I was young. Thousands of people have seen one, or, thousands of people have seen something in the woods. There are photographs, videos, and footprint casts, and there are a lot of doubters and an equal amount of believers. I ask again, is that a belief system? It's based on eyewitness accounts, can we disregard the people who claim they have seen one? I have never seen one in the forest, but does that mean they don't exist? No that means I just haven't seen one, thousands of others say they have.
The Loch Ness Monster is in the same category, hundreds of people have seen something, again I never have, does that mean they exist or not? I'm not sure, they all saw something. I am not about to call all of these people liars, like I said, "Everyone of them saw something."
Bigfoot, thousands of people through the century's have
seen them, who am I to say they haven't? |
Crop Circles are different, I can see them so they do exist, I believe in them because I can see them, I don't know how they are constructed, however, I don't know if they are made by humans or some cosmic force somewhere out there. This in my mind is not a belief system either, it is merely the belief that they do exist and somehow they are being built by someone or something, I simply do not know. More on Crop Circles
There was a "prehistoric" shark caught off the coast of Portugal last week, it lives 2500 feet below the surface, prior to it being caught hardly anyone thought one could still exist after 50 million years. It may be part of a belief system, many species that were thought to be extinct have been sighted or even caught, it's a substantial list. The belief would be in the form of "yes I do believe that more extinct species will be discovered in the future." The belief is built on seeing the creature and accepting that the discoveries will continue, the believers will continue to believe and search, it doesn't matter what anyone else says or does. Scientific papers will be written, evidence examined and a paper trail established, does that constitute a belief system? Or is the belief system made after each species is discovered? I don't know, but I now believe in THAT species after its being found.
The male frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) measured 1.5 meters (5ft) in length and was caught at a depth of roughly 700 meters (2,300ft) in waters off the Portuguese coast.
(copied from RT newspaper) |
The big one is the "paranormal", Ghost, it seems almost every channel on the TV has some sort of a paranormal program that is high on the ratings list, to me it's interesting. To a lot of people the proof is in the sighting, "do you believe in ghost?" I wish I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that. Well, I do believe in Ghost, mostly because our house has one, I have seen her three times, full body apparitions, honestly she looks a lot like my wife. But even at that is it a belief system or is it just something I believe in because I saw her?
When a person sees something, like Sasquatch or Nessie, they become 'believers", it is undeniable to them after the sighting. There are some things in this world that defy explanation even after they are seen first hand, for instance, Aliens from other worlds, UFO's, Orbs and lights speeding across our skies.
I saw an incident when I was at sea in the US Navy, after I told my counselor at the Veterans Administration about it his advice was "We have all seen things like that at sea, I suggest you forget you saw it and never mention it again." I saw it one time, I will never experience anything like it again, but is it a belief system? I believe and know it happened, I don't know how, it happened but it did, the Navy makes no mention of it on the deck logs. It is not a belief system, it is just something that happened and that's how a lot of things end up.
Finally and one reason I am writing this blog is Climate Change, boy is that a loaded word, I will not debate if it is happening or not, wait! I will explain what I mean, I've been thinking about it for probably as long as you have. Let me attempt to explain, then feel free to comment and give me your thoughts, I really do want to hear them. What is Climate Change? NASA explains
We all share this world, we all have trash, we use some sort of transportation, we heat our homes and use fossil fuels in many ways, in other words, we all have a "carbon footprint." the issue I do not understand is why is it called climate change, I believe (hmm is it a belief system?) it should be called "Conservation", further, Conservation of our environment. First, do no harm, when we go in the woods only leave footprints and the sayings go on and on. Conservation, taking care of our Earth should be the top priority of each person on the planet, there are things we can all do. We have the ability to change the ways in which we deal with our trash and our emissions, on an individual basis, it doesn't have to be an earth-shaking movement. One person one goal, do no harm and leave only footprints, here are some actions we can take on an individual basis that will make a difference.
We can make every day like this, it's a beautiful day today in fact. |
1) Cut back on the weed killer, at one time I used a lot of it, I was under the idea the only way to get rid of them was to poison them, well, some yes but most just take elbow grease and a good grip on them. (More on weed removal
2) Fertilizer can be eliminated altogether, mulch, compost, and natural fertilizers such as manures and worm castings (which is manure).
3) We can organize our trips to town, I believe most people do that already, it does pay off in gas savings and time
4) Use the re-cycle bin most trash hauling companies provide, a lot of that plastic and glass can be recycled. Newspapers, magazines and printed cardboard when stacked take a long time to decompose in a dump, use all you can in your garden and in my case the worm farm.
5) Grow your own vegetables, it saves the delivery to the grocery stores by the produce suppliers, the plants emit oxygen and they support the Honey Bees and solitary pollinators.
6) Plant a fruit tree, Sunflowers, Rosemary and other herbs, they attract pollinators and provide food for your table.
A good site for plants that encourage honeybees
On a global scale, yes governments need to come together with a well thought out plan to combat the much debated "Climate Change" political football. On a personal level, we do not need to be involved in the red tape other than to support the global goals of cleaning the joint up. We can also do a lot on our level, it's called a healthy respect for where we live, if we each live a clean life it will help a lot. In the area, I live illegal dumping is very common, piles of garbage line the streets in many of the cities surrounding our island, we can stop that. Many issues need to be spearheaded by the government, local, county or sometimes the state, a lot can be achieved by reducing or eliminating fees on special cleanup days. Governments can take on the big corporations and industries, they don't need to direct us, we live here, we can clean up after ourselves.
It is intimidating, but roll up the old sleeves and save the
Planet! |
I rambled a little bit, I have one thing to add, and food for thought, So the plan is to trash this planet and then escape to Mars, it ain't gonna work, for a lot of reasons we are much better off fixing this one. The major flaw with colonizing Mars is the wealthy people are the only ones that will be able to afford the "airfare". I fear the working class will be expected to build and pay for the initial construction and settlement, then the wealthy will move in, that's fine with a huge exception. For years the colony will have to be subsidized, by you guessed it, us, we may be expected to finance a continual line of supply to them, on our dime. It won't happen, for one there is not enough wealth in the world to support that endeavor and it won't take long for the working people to tire of the drain of resources to support a far away colony that will never return any benefit to us. I don't believe we will agree to build a world that the people responsible for trashing this one will be able to escape to, we have one chance and it's on this planet.
Climate Change appears to be a belief system no matter what the name I place on it, and it needs to be, it's an important part of our lives keeping our homes clean and habitable. Religions yes they are as well, the rest of the items, they can be if we desire, and truthfully that is what makes up a belief system, the desire to accept an occurrence as the truth. There aren't many people that would base their life on crop circles or Orbs, that's auxiliary stuff, we believe in real stuff only, or in what each of us decides what is real. Let's keep the planet clean in each of the areas we live and visit in. if we have a stack of 100 pieces of firewood and they had to be moved upstairs, one person can make 100 trips or 100 people can make one trip, all of us together can make a difference.
Thank you for reading and sharing, I'd like to hear your opinions, I feel like I did ramble on, I hope I made the point of prioritization of what we believe in and which is most important in each of our lives. The most basic tenet of being self-sufficient is to take care of the things we depend on for our well being, the most important item is to take care of our world. People I know that raise fish in an aquarium never let the water get to the point of killing the fish, what would be the point in allowing that to happen? Why would we trash our planet to the point of killing us, or escaping to an uninhabitable world? It makes no sense.